Thursday, March 30, 2017

April Season Food for skin

Most of Singaporean skin consider good base. But when I observe many has not reach its potential. Common problems:

1) Very dehydrated (and using of all wrong skincare products, u all see advertisement than the ingredients)
2) Lack of drink water and flower tea [ Drink omhealth Gold tea morning, drink water 8 cups daily)
3) Forget to input greens in the body [ Choose a green steam it a small bowl ]
4) Lack of oil [ Take fish oil or coconut oil ( small teaspoon add to food)
5) Forget do breathing exercise. (do my toucher therapy frankincense oil breathing, frankincense is antiagingoil) Bryan Lao Shi Secret Beauty Drink This tea helps i) A person to feel happy ii) Dandruff issues due to liver fire iii) Calm the mind and also bring wellness iv) Rejuvenate skin cell to max potential v) Fight Fatigue and tiredness

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Prepare 15 gram of 金針菜

immerse water 15mins. Throw water away
Image may contain: food

Put in a pot with one litre of water  boil 20mins. When cool drink
rich source of fiber. Small quantities of iron, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins B1 B2 and Vitamin C。 Helps regulating the heart rate thereby allowing the heart  to function more efficiently and regularly

Singaporean Skin need to have a lite yet powerful Serums

A friend of mine bought a bottle of serum for $650 and is 30ml. I told her why not try omhealth rose serum C. And Guess what , she save so much money and say skin has improved alot.

Omhealth Bryan Lao Shi has been in beauty industry for 20 years. Many of us are drawn by mainstream skincare.

Experience omhealth legendary Skincare essence serum

1) HA Eye Serum
penetrate quicklt to skin and instantly firms and nourish the skin around the eyes. Fine lines will belighten. Apply this follow by omhealth dragonblood eye gel

2) True Brightening Rose C Serum
This wonderful serum can be use for day and nigh and many reported skin brighten. U can combine with true brighten Moisturiser.

Below is a pair
3) Magwhite Serum  : Use at night for freckles issues and blemishes
4) Antiage serum: Use day time for skin tone , and complexion transformation

Above can be found is

U can spend few hundred dollars for a serum. Why not give this brand  a chance and see the user all skin look nice one is a walking example.

I suggest beginners: Try omhealth rose hydrosol (water) Serum and True brightening moisturiser

Normally I will use 2 or 3 in evening and day time 4.
U can play around with my skin serum. Every month change:>
After using omhealth skin serum. Ur skin will feel rested and visible hydration.

Image result for omhealth serum

Image result for omhealth serum

Omhealth Oil and Skincare are really wonderful especially the double blue flower Aloe gel for rashes and hives

Image result for omhealth serum

Image result for omhealth serum

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