Thursday, August 10, 2017

hAPPY All the Time

No one is cheerful all the time. If  a person is always happy and cheerful and no outlet to express emotions. This can be too much burden to the body organs.

However if you practice positive thinking or aroma once a day this will be accumulated and help u at times of stress.

Feeling sad and depress isnt part of the normal emotional fabric. It burdens people with persistent unhappiness and inability to derive happiness from food, movies or doing anything.

Sometimes it impairs a person ability to function well.

Bryan Lao Shi was once depressed for a month whether to resign from engineering job to be a Aromatherapist (certified) but luckily with talking to friends, acupressure and aromatherapy i get out of it quick.

However major depression is  serious illness. But again let me summarise to share with u how to overcome the LOW.

Now just bear in mind, everyone will have the mood LOW, just that now ur e equip with methods to handle rather than let it be.

Bryan's remedies:

A) Drink Dr Oats or use it to blend with juice. (works wonder)

B) Talk to friends and also write a journal of gratitude of all the joy in your life.

C) 3 times a week, buy fresh vege and steam them to eat

D)  Use aroma oil

i) Victoria Secret: Tackles complex feelings

ii) Aura 20 aroma oil: Cleanse the aura which  brings Joy back

iii) Cypress: Clear deep sadness from within

Tissue method and also few drops to a small pail warm water and use face towel scrub body.

E)  Crystal Therapy with The Black Stone: (Is a very powerful stone from Russia and works wonder in calming the mind. Or u can use black tourmaline bracelet

How to do it:

Body Lotion 20cent size coin (nivea unscented), 4 drops lavendula vera, 1 drop peppermint and 2 drops marjoram. Mix and apply on legs and neck.

Than put the black crystals u have on tummy and lie down 5 mins a day.

Follow press the point below daily before sleep with a drop cypress

Image result for happy acupressure


Problems with depression is:

All methods u also depressed until u dont want to do.

Try it ok. It works wonder.


Things u consider to buy

1) Victoria Secret blend, Aura20 oil, Cypress oil

2) Droatcare

3) A pen and Journal notebook

4) Face towel and small pail

5) Ur time

I hope u can support omhealth when free:

Oh we done our donation for stationary in cambodia for kids and also Singapore food donation for elderly home le. Just a little thing to do.


Image may contain: plant, flower and indoor

Independent reviews: Anyway I always look for different local brands things to intro. 

Dr oatcare bryan lao shi morning drink! Dr oatcare has more than 20 kinds of seeds and nuts plus embryo oats! I created a national day healthy drink for all! It taste like $12 healthy drink in market !
20 blue berries , 1/2 cup water , 3 ice cube , one apricot or 1/2apple

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