Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Our Age: Focus on being present

Hi all

I want to thank you all for taking time to read my singlish article ahahha.

Today I want to talk about aging.

In short, ur body start to feel the aging when ur sleep quality, ur skin and modd starts to be different from "last time" My aging begins three years ago when I was 45.

Even people says i still look in 30s but my system tells me I may not be. Many say stay young at heart is important but to me , young at heart and young at body energy and skin.

We may not able to have the energy we use to have but at this present moment at our 40s, 50s or 60s or 70s , we want to have the Tina Turner energy ahahhahaha.

I am borned to  have a "weak" body type so to many others I spend more time in taking care of my health. And all these years i notice the key to good health and beautiful skin or not so aged skin is our emotions.

If u able to handle ur emotions first gradually things will fall into place.

Negative emotions beside part of aging , it can be also the result of our thoughts surrounding an issue or events

So if we able to re interpret the thoughts , we can have less stress and look younger eventually;

I decide to tell u what to do than talk theory ok:>

I hope u all can attend 7th July 2019 Event , My first aromatherapy talk in Singapore back 22 years ago. :>
Is at CSC club, email class@omhealth.com with mobile and name and fees is $18. My 22 years anniversary in healthcare.


Bryan Lao Shi tips to feel better in 3 days:>

A) Yoga or stretch. I am lazy to go yoga class or stretching class. But ever since i turn 40, i start to do 5 mins yoga morning and night . And this is a must. And when doing i use the oil for anti aging

Holy Sacred Frankincense and Healing frankincense.

By utmost , this two oil is worth every single drop. Is expensive but we deserve it. Keep it as a healing bottle. And keep in cupboard can last 2 years.

Apply some frankincense to chest and wrist and do this stretch with deep breathing 5 times. Follow by normal breathing 30 seconds

See the source image2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water.

3) Use omhealth skincare products.
From astiquer cleanser, lavender water, serum and choose a moisturiser u love. Twice a day.

U will feel really good.

Many dont know about the new website is www.bryanwellness.com

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