Saturday, June 8, 2019

Headaches Gua Sha methods.

For those who suffers alot headaches . The following video will help. All items can be found in .

A very "SHitty" week?

seldom in my blog i use this word. But when I was writing this article i am thinking no words can replace this word that I want to share and hope can bring some light to ur life and clear the shit out replace with aroma of Nature of love and Joy.

Shitty days happen. They happen to rich people or poor people, to positive thinking people or to whoever.

They happen to people who plan on having really fantastically good days. They happen to people who have very little in life and to people who have an abundance of things they don’t need.

This what we call life that make it so interesting. Sometimes u have such a good morning wake up but a breakfast hawker lady can just spoilt ur day. Anyway u know...

Our energy and aura fields have different way to handle shitty day. Sometimes if ur aura fields are strong u can transmute it but not when u are feeling low.

So how to feel back to normal track again and increase ur auric field?  After all these years I find a good remedies from Shitty day can be using the following methods.


Shitty day pile up when ur digestion is no good. U may feel bloated or just anger inside. So the following detox method i use it once a month or twice a month which works for me well. But if u have any medical condition do check with doctors.

Shitty days dont make u feel happy. It is very hard to smile and they just like old cold rice or oil or Youtiao that stays in ur stomach making u feel emotional and unpleasant and ivasive too. So if u have shitty day SHIT it out

Disclaimer: The following method is uncle me used for many years. U can try and omhealth is not responsible for any shit.

To me the following method brings me good energy and good luck too ahah and help solve digestive bloatedness.
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A) Morning after breakfast

Eat something not heavy than drink a warm cup of water and take 6 pills of charcoal norit.

B) Noon have ur lunch and after that take a bottle of BoChai Wan or the above.

C) At night 10pm take half a tube of the ezyfeel.  

Use aromatherapy oil Bryan relax blend and peppermint oil with rice bran oil massage stomach 3mins.

When Shitty Day happens there is a breathing exercise can increase the aura energy and clear the negativity>

A drop of Victoria Secret or rosemary oil on ur wrist and raise ur hand and inhale and do a V sign and when exhale bring down the hand and do a W sign.

V: Victory  (Inhale SAY VICTORY)
W: Wa Lao Ehhhhhh   (EXHALE SAY Wa Lao Ehhhh)

5 times
Image may contain: 1 person
Bryan newspaper extract 2007.


Charcoal Activated will take away the bloated and nausea feeling
Bochai or the above will remove the heatiness and dampness in stomach
Ezyfeel or the tea i introduce before can clear the dampness and gain ur stomach back to norm

Dont forget to attend 7th July 2019 Health and Beauty with Bryan

I must say the 3 oil works wonder. And I love this combinations.

Dont forget to attend 7th July 2019 the Health and Beauty Talk

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