Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Health Beauty and Aliveness

 Is been awhile I have updated this blog.

I hope everyone is doing well. Last Sunday I conducted a  free zoom. Announced in fb and email. And I am glad to catch up with many.

IS really important not to worry too much in life. Alot of times , worries are cause by tired mind and thinking. And is so important to escape 5-10 mins from the worries and busy mind so we can recharge our body.

When your brain is in a more relaxed state, it is easier to see new solutions and possibilities.

Worrying is an alarm for you to explore the possibilities of danger in a situation. Take time to explore the reality of what could happen and what is in your power to do about it so you can move on to more positive thoughts about the future.


Above is a very simple statement but i think is good enough for those going thru obstacles in life to face it with methods i am going to prescribe here.

Method for 2024

Rosemary and Grapefruit Pink in tissue inhale, than perform the below yoga. Dont underestimate this. And please dont be a social media victim, see all method swipe and dont do. DO IT. U will know how good u feel.

When oil combine with this yoga method, it reset ur energy center. This pose , helps to clear the channels and recharge too with the help of the two oil.

Health Benefits of Legs Up The Wall


Those that follow omhealth for 20 years know that we always launch products with good quality ingredients and also have energy healing.

I have launched the face mask dragonblood. The launch price is $50 instead of $68. Hope u know the sincerity and support and hor dont ask for promo le as is discounted le. The launch price is a month plus so will end coming Sunday.

May be an image of salve and text that says "BRYANWELLNESS CRaCE frankincense fronkincensecreammask fra Dragon's S blood (frenkinconse dragons cream creammask mask dragonsblood bloodresverat resveratrol blood herbs) Hydrating Repair Healing ek"

At bryanwellness.com 

This mask leave it on skin for 20mins, u can rinse off with mild cleansing cream.


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