It's been such a fun workshop. It felt like conducting a live talk show with music. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves especially when Ian started to play nice music which combined my relaxation techniques.
Here are the photos that my Art Director, Edric took during the class:
The 2-4pm Workshop
The 5 - 7pm Workshop
Despite conducting 3 workshops in a day, I was not tired at all! The more I talk, the more energy I have :D It must be the happy energy coming from all participants! You know what? Wendy from Singtrain Academy gave me and Ian 2 delicious cakes, yummy! I have never tasted such delicious cake before.

This is my mum, Annie. Mum is 62 years old, but she looks much younger then her age right?still looks young right? Mum and I are the founders of Ancient Beauty Class and also Yin & Yang Cooking Class in Singapore.
I will be at Great World City's Cold Storage on 28 July to teach a beauty workshop with fruits and vegetables. Come down and support me ok :D
Yong Mei's magazine is cool, grap a copy from Kino fast before it ran out of stock. I bought my copy already! There's many things to read :)
Last but not least, my facial serum, coconut oil and slimming serum are all sold OUT!!! Thanks!!! Those who need more, can order at:
Hi Bryan,
Mi & my aunt attended yr talk (2-4pm) yesterday and I shld say its very interesting & fruitful :-)
I'd like to chk wif u ways to remove/lighten mosquito scars for my 8-yr old boy...
I had bought whole set of oils yesterday liao..
PS: Ummh u suppose to give me 1 prize cos' I answered the question correctly (during the talk). Ha ha, guess u were super busy so dun blame u.
Look 4ward 2 yr reply. Xie xie ni.
Attended the 2-4pm workshop. A very entertaining workshop. Never come across a workshop where there's so much interaction between the speaker & the audience. I've learnt a lot from the 2 hrs. Hope such good things can be spread to more people too. My 9 yr old niece experienced running nose every morning. So last nite, I tried to use lavendula vera & eucalyptus on her b4 she sleep, amazingly she does not experience any running nose this morning. Certainly look forward to attending more of your talk in future. Keep up the good work.
Hi Bryan,
Thanks for the interesting workshop on Sat(5-7pm). Thanks for sharing with us the different types of oil and their usage. Also like to thank all your family members and friends who have assisted you to make the workshop a success.
Like to clarify something,do we press the pressure point on the foot during or after the foot bath.
Margaret Tan
Hi Bryan,
What time is your workshop at Great World City Cold Storage on 28 Jul? Want to go and support u la.
Hi Bryan,
Thanks for the 5-7pm workshop,it really very interesting and not boring at all.Also want to say thank you to your committee member.
Hope you hv more workshop in future.
Anyway what is the timing for the workshop at Great world City?
Hi Bryan
Attended your workshop on 07.07.07 at Thomson Plaza. Very enriching & infomative.
Thank u for sharing with us...
Can advise on how to mix your oil with shampoo to control and prevent dandruff.
Thanks so much
Margaret Tan
bryan lao shi, after attending your workshop my sinus recover amazing.
But my back was pain abit after applying 3 oil method, after tense for a day sunday. Wow amazing today monday , all pain gone and my whole body feel so fresh and cool
I will come for ur cold storage workshop
Indeen one of the best workshop in Singapore Bryan. too bad you are not fm972, if not u can help more people and more well known.
Appreciate your effort. Oh your facial serum is good, today just second day my face look more radiant.
I know you didnt promise us anything but i belief u.
bryan lao shi i feel that u can do more , u lack of marketing manager. Hope one day u will have one and promote u. U are world class u know, attending ur workshop is even better than those professor one. u also very humble and fun. and go all the way to help people.
Although after workshop u very tired i know u try ur best to answer ur questions. thanks
ai may
Hi Bryan,
please post something on facials.
where to get good facials. thanks
Hi Bryan
How to get rid of bad eye bag. I had tried your method by pressing on the point of the face but I find that no help.
Thank you.
Hi Bryan
I attended the 2-4pm workshop. Was my first time attending this type of workshop.
Very enriching and very interesting, no selling of products been push. :)
at the wkshop, tot the of buying the whole range was like hmmm so expensive - thou i bought Lavendula/Eu.. peppermint/lemongrass. After going home ahhhh regret should have bought it.
will certainly like to attend more of your workshop in the near future.
Oh... your mum really look young for her age - i thought she is in her early fifty. I'm impressed what her sercet? ;)
Cheers, Mabel
Bryan lao shi,
is amazing this workshop u never push sale, and i use oil before and i know these oil quality is very expensive, and i think you are selling near wholesale price.
I used to work in spa, and i know they will never spend money on this grade of oil.
I bought set A, and fine it useful. I tried footbath and it helps me to have quality sleep.
I will definitely come on 28 to cold storage and support u
thanks again for ur effort
Fun, informative, enriching, sincere, passion... Bryan this are the qualities i found on 7/7/7 talk.
Keep up the good work. You deserve a loud applause.
Professor Doctor Hong
Bryan lao shi, i really appreciate your tremendous effort in organising this workshop for us. I would like to invite you to our school to give a workshop for school teachers.
will contact u soon
Bryan ur workshop is really cool, the pianist is very good. The songs he composed is very soothing.
Hope to listen more
ai ling
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