Friday, June 20, 2008

Weekend Soup

Seems like a lot of people are down with flu. Boost up your immune system with foodcures or good quality essential oil to prevent the flu bug.
Essential oil method as I have mentioned many times before : Drip a few drops of Lavendula Vera, Eucalyptus Radiata and Lemon onto tissue. Stick the tissue to fan and blow around the whole house
Ingredients for foodcures:
3 pieces of dried cuttlefish,
2 fresh lotus root (cut to 2cm thick),
200g Pork ribs,6 dried Oyster(soak and clean), a teaspoon of Lycium seed, 6 Red dates(remove seeds).
2 slices of Ginger, a tbs fish sauce, 2 litre of
water, salt and pepper to taste
Wash cuttlefish. Discard eyes and hard central bone. Slice it. Rinse Pork ribs with hot water. Put all ingredients into a pot. Medium heat until the lotus root turn slightly soft.

This recipe helps to nourish body and bones. Beautify skin, collagen and strengthen eyes too.


Anonymous said...


can you recommend some remedy for menstrual pain, every month, i surely pain, but can be subside by taking 2 -4 panadols, but i heard is not good.


Unknown said...

Hi Pearlly,
I also same like you. So I went for a check up and confirm everything ok. Then I control my eating habit. I avoid drinking cold drinks, watermelon 1-2 week before the "day". I also take those Bai Fong Pills after the cycle finish. And recently, I took primerose pills. I think my pain greatly reduced to a minimum. I a bit kia su, everything I tried cos the pain is really pain.

Anonymous said...

Hi bryan, your method of using lavendular, eucalyptus and lemon onto tissue paper is very effective. I followed your method because my husband has flu. I didn't catch his flu bug at all. My husband now believe in essential oil. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Bryan Lao Shi,

Thanks for all the informantion you posted. Really enjoy reading them everyday.

Could you please advice what lycium seed is in chinese.

Thank you.

Mrs. Ong - Chia

Anonymous said...

lycium seed is our chinese Gou Qi Zi. the red seed in most herbal soup.


Unknown said...

Thanks Bryan. Your recipe comes just in time. I was racking my brain what to cook for my family this weekend.