Anti-age once a week -- A suggestion
Hi folks. Here's an anti aging method to share with you to achieve a youthful skin.不美都难. Take note take note....this is just a suggestion. You can use your own facial scrub and olive oil. Doing a facial scrub once a week does make a difference.
Bryan Lao Shi's Antioxidant Facial Scrub (50gram)
Discover your skin inner glow with the help from the Roman Chamomile. Anti-Oxidant Facial Scrub foam. Formulated with jojoba round beads to leave your skin smooth and beaming with a youthful glow. This exceptional scrub is packed with antioxidant, Paraben-free; Sulfate-Free; Propylene glycol-free, silicone-free, DEA-free and artificial colour-free. It helps to fight the visible signs of aging while gently erase away debris and dead skin cell. A delicious blend of Vanilla CO2, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile and Bergamot (Bergaptene Free - to reduce to possibility of photosensitivity). A perfect anti age scrub to be used 1 to 2 times a week.
Bryan Lao Shi's Rice bran oil (100ml)
As mentioned in my earlier posting, rice bran has been used for many centuries and is a secret in the East to maintain beautiful skin. It is used in many ways - to cleanse, exfoliate, revitalize, prevent wrinkles, smoothening the skin and making it free from blemishes. Rice bran oil is a very good antiaging oil when use on body and facial skin. Rice bran oil is the only readily available oil, other than palm, that contains significant levels (approximately 500 ppm) of tocotrienols. They belonged to the vitamin E family and are powerful natural antioxidants.
Weekly procedure to promote anti aging skin;
First damp your face, apply your facial scrub for 15 to 20 seconds. Wash clean. Thereafter, use 3-4 drops of rice bran oil massage face in an upward direction. Followed by tapping lightly with your fingers under the eyes to reduce dark eye circle. Dap excess oil with tissue. If not, just leave it on. Do this once a week.
Herbal Tea suggestion for the day when you do your facial scrub with rice bran oil massage.

This drink helps to detoxify, relieve rheumatic pains and is a natural green drink. I drink this 3 times a week. Buy good quality white chrysanthemum like the ones shown in the picture above.
Bryan lao shi,
Good to add gou qi zhi to the chrysanthemum drink?
Hi bryan, your rice bran oil is one of my fav. Multiple usage. Good from head to toe cos i used it for my hair, facial massage and also in my body lotion.
Thats why I keep on telling you to come up with a bigger size bottle! Haha.
Oh ya, your facial is another great product. Very gentle to skin and smells very very soothing.
I love the flowery flowery smell of the scrub that is so calming.
I ever tried olive oil but the effect is not very good as rice bran oil. I feel rice bran oil is lighter in texture and absorbed readily into my skin. The next day, i can feel my skin soft and tender.
Kavitha is right, rice bran oil is so multi purpose, will be good if it comes in bigger size.
I do not mind paying extra for postage.
Mrs kay
I love flora water. It is very fragrant to smell.
I dun like to use facial scrub because they open up my pores. But ever since I tried your facial scrub(bought by my sister), I changed my opinion towards facial scrub. Yours is very gentle to my skin and it smells heaven
Louisa Kang
Hi bryan, your posting tonite reminds me of the compliment I recieved from my girl friend last week.
Ever since I used your facial scrub with the anti aging serum, I noticed a difference in my skin. Last week my girl friend told me my skin is more radiant as compared to last time and its a natural healthy shine even after a long day at work.
Your promotion comes just in time for her.
Thanks bryan. I am very happy with my complexion now because I can look radiant and pretty without makeup.
I love yr facial scrub, it is very gentle to our skin, super soft.
I love yr flora water, super fragrant to smell.
I eat a lot of fruit n drink more fluid to cure my acne problem n dehyrated skin since 23/8.
I have thrown away my toner by count 123 into the dustbin.
I am presently nursing a sheepdog called Christy bec she is very sick with womb infection, fever n poor appetite nearly a mth.
My auntie has no choice to look for me at my workplace to feed her with food.
Christy will yearn for me to carry, hug n feed her with food for love n comfort. She is very fat but her fur is very beautiful to touch, super soft.
I will play with dogs called Frosty, Smarty, Baby, Angel, Snoppy(Lao Ah Pek Gou), Kelvin(Shih Tzu), Shiro, YoYo(Shih Tzu) n Cookie fm my friend n auntie.
My pet r a Chinchilla, Jungel Bell n a Hamster, Crytal. Wow, it is so fun to play or talk with them bec i am a animal lover cum slave.
The amethyst mala has brough me calmness and wellness. Thank you Bryan lao shi.
I hope to get the lapis lazuli mala.
Hong Yi
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