Mouth Ulcer
Mouth ulcer can be of the most irritating outbreak one can get. You can get mouth ulcer due to lack of sleep, stress, overwork or even constant worries. The pain may last an average of 5 days.
During stress period, you can take B-complex with Vitamin C (Enervon) but not on long term ok. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Reduce coffee. Drink American Ginseng tea.
If you have mouth ulcer, you can try this recipe.
Herbal Tea method to heal mouth ulcer:
1. 2 slices of Liquorice, 1 tablespoon Chrysanthemum into a cup of boiling water. Seep for 15mins. Drink when cool. 1 cup a day. As you drink this tea, let the tea stay in your mouth for few seconds before you swallow.
2. 1 drop Tea Tree oil into a cup of water and gargle your mouth. Twice a day. (DO NOT SWALLOW)3. Chew 2 fresh basil leaves. Let the juice run over ulcer and drink a cup of water, swallow everything. It helps to kill the pain and its very cooling. Fresh Basil can be found in Cold Storage or Market Place.
Fresh basil leaf is very nice to chew on, its like eating fragrant pear. Try it. You don't need to have mouth ulcer to chew basil leaves. I enjoyed chewing the leaves and drink with water whenever I can, as it helps to detox :P
One of the key ingredients in my 5 elements oil is Basil. That is why some of you can feel it helps to prevent sinus after inhaling 1 drop of the oil from tissue. Details of 5 element oil as at,
Basil is more than just a culinary herb for herbalists. They used it to improve appetite and gently combat fatigue. Like other herbs in the mint family, it is carminative and disinfectant. The freshly picked leaves make a stimulating and refreshing tea. Basil has also been used as an aphrodisiac, and for melancholy and depression.
Hi Bryan Laoshi,
Thanks for sharing useful information on mouth ulcers. I would like to check if got ringing ear on the left side of ear or it known as 'ER MIN'. May I know what is the remedy to cure or what herbs to intake. Hope u can share and enlighten.
Thank u so much.
MAla amethyst brings me very good results. Thank you so much. Would like to order 2 mala for my family. Can lao shi read your email thanks .
Ser Kon
I am very fortunate to attend your hand reflex class today. Is an eye opener. Touch therapy is really a great technique, my headache has sunsided without using panadol.
Very interesting way to use basil leaves. Can give a try. Thanks for sharing this method.
I like to use basil leaves for cooking. Add fragrance to my food. This is another great way to use basil leaves. A natural way to overcome mouth ulcer.
Thanks Bryan.
Mrs kay
I have been using your facial scrub once a week. It gives me very good results. Especially follow by antiage serum. Will you tell me,if antiage serum can be used on my 11 years old daughter, she has acne prone skin. I find your cleanser too very natural.
Tomorrow is teachers day, wishing you happy Teacher day. And also the wishfulling Mala amethyst really calm my bad tempered. Is a amazing.
Fong Yi
Best Package for the month : Facial scrub + Rice Bran oil + Anti age serum = $150. Free foot cream for smooth feet and heel. (pack with sandalwood and ylang ylang)
Lao shi, i think u should update this at i have been telling my friend end up they need to scroll to search.
I alsosuggest that u canupdate your product list to be more professional look.
Love all your items, may be you too busy now. But is important you seat down and do some cleaning up on your website. I have contact on some web designer at low price, have just email u.
Happy Teacher Day.
Thanks for introducing me to the world of crystal therapy. Is good.
Hi Bryan 老师
Are Basil Leaf in chinese called 九层塔。
plese reply,ty.
Bryan, I hate mouth ulcer. Its an agony to me because I always make it worst when i acidentally bite the spot.
I will try your method after i get my basil leaves later in the afternoon.
Just now ate the passion fruit too lazy to make it into juice. Taste sour but very appetising and i quite like the taste. This is the first time I know how a passion fruit looks like. So suan ku...
I reeived my mala quite some time but only yesterday i have the time to use it..ya i know its an excuse..i just conveniently left it inside my drawer. Yesterday, i saw it in my drawer, hold it and before i know it, its morning already. I can't remember when i fall asleep but its been a long time since i had a deep sleep. I was still holding the mala when i woke up this morning. I should have do this long ago.
Its sort of a miracle to me.
I am one of those who find 5 elements oil useful to prevent my sinus from getting worst.
I also use it whenever people around me having flu.
Good sunday to you Bryan.
My mother say she like your cleanser and facial scrub. She said her skin very soft. I am so happy that she finally believed what I tell her.
Really no use telling, must use then know how good is the product
Haloo ee xin! I am just like you. I buy the ginger oil and lavendula vera from bryan teacher but did not use until few weeks later.
Ever sinnce I start using them for footbath, I am hooked to it. Now I will use it twice a week when I bath.
Lying in my bath tub soaking myself in the hot bath of ginger + lavendula oil is simply heaven.
I feel so loosen up after that. Its a way to destress for me.
Angela, you are very lucky to have a bath tub at home.
How I envy you....but doing the footbath already helps me to have a better sleep.
I also find the 5 elements effective in my sinus. I also use it for footbath.
Dear Bryan Lao Shi,
Happy Teachers Day in advance!
I am going for a hoilday with my family tomorrow so an advance Happy Teachers Day to you.
Thanks for all your guidance yesterday at the hand reflex class.
It was very useful to learn. I hope to join you and the rest in your next voluntary work.
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