POWER SOUP FOR YOU during festive seasons
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks for all your good wishes.
I received so many sms last evening.
Thank you Thank you :D
It has been a very fruitful year for me. Although its Christmas today, I can’t rest yet because I want to pack all the orders and clear as much emails as I can. I am really sorry to keep you waiting
Very very grateful that God allows me to be a tool to answer some of your health questions. I would like to seek your forgiveness if sometimes I sound a bit rush and rude when you call me. Come to think about it, 2008 has been a very busy year for me. I am always on the move!

Bryan Lao Shi's Qi rejuvenation Herbal Soup for Skin & Body
Ingredients :
- Snakehead fish (SHENG YU). You can request the fishmonger to clear, clean and chop the fish into pieces for you.
- 1 green carrot (cut into slices)
- 1 red carrot (cut into slices)
- 8 red dates (remove seeds)
- 2 Dang Sheng
- 1 tablespoon of Almond (南北杏)
- 1.8 litre water
Wash the fish and rub with salt. Put all ingredients into 1.8 litre of water and boil for an hour. Thereafter, add the fish last and boil for 30mins. Add salt to taste.
Of course, I did not forget all my friends who have attended part 1, part 2 or part 3, 5 elements exercise class and even cooking class. Yes. Bryan has more new courses coming up.....stay tune ok. I will surprise you when the time is ripe :D
By the way, has anyone tried Kim's sandalwood powder for body scrub? Try it if you have not. Its really good. It can calm your skin and mind.
NB: updated www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com on crystal class on 14 Feb 2009.
Hi Bryan Lao Shi,
Wish u Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. Cheers!
Lao Shi, Lao Shi.
Bryan, thk u for yr receipe n i will try it.
Bryan, may god bless u with gd health, keep smiling n successful career.
Bryan, pls gd care of yrself, eat more food bec u r too skinny n go out with yr friend for a movie, swimming, fishing or clubbing with yr best friend for a short break bec u r really overstressed n still shown concern abt yr student during festive season.
See u again on yr FS Talk on 10/01/2009.
glad to note that bryan admitted at times he sounded rude on the phone..
many positive feedbacks about he being so nice n patient over the phone..hmm..mm i don always agree..
but today he seek forgiveness shows he is a true Gentleman..
I dun care what others said about lao shi. I only know lao shi has been very patience with me as a depression patient. Knowing I have such sickness, lao shi did not keep his distance away from me but always listen to me and gave me a lot of good advice. Nobody has shown so much concern and patient in me except lao shi.
I am very grateful to Bryan lao shi for all his kindness, care and concern all this while. I have become less dependant on medicine is also because of Bryan lao shi.
Lao shi, I promise you I will be strong. I will not think anything else but only happy things.
Thank you very much.
Hi Bryan.
My stiff neck almost spoilt my christmas celebration mood. The 3 oils recipe is superb otherwise I will not enjoy myself last night.
Hope you are having a good time too.
Come on, give the young man a break.
How many people can sound nice and polite every time?
My husband always say I call Bryan too often to bother him with trivial things.
So far, Bryan has never sound impatient and will still return my call if he missed my call.
Bryan, actually I know I get freak out at small little things very easily but I cannot help it. This is my character.
Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year to you.
Mrs Kay
I can't agree more to what Mrs Kay has said because I am also like Mrs Kay who call Bryan very often.
I am not a frequent buyer of Bryan's things but he still provide me with good information and advice.
Bryan is a human afterall. Let's be more understanding to him. Anybody can get impatient when things get too busy.
do not get affected by what others said.
I only believed in good products. My husband has a lot of faith in your products now. He used to think essential oil are bullshit.
I forced him to use rosemary oil, lavendula and the wooden comb for his balding problem.
He obediently did what I told him because he was too desperate and we wanted to save money too.
We saw improvements for his balding problem.
Thank you so much.
Don't blame Bryan lah. True he sometimes sound rush but not rude for sure. He will still apologise to me for being in a rush.
I do not like to call up or disturb Bryan Lao Shi bec i love total privacy.
I only communicate with our Bryan Lao Shi via sms or e-mail. He knows my charactor or personality very well.
Our Bryan Lao Shi will go to sleep at 10.30pm. We must respect Bryan Lao Shi to give him a break on Weekend(Sat n Sun) to spend more time with his parent, friend n relative.
fm Sweety Baby
Hi bryan,
I try out the soup for tonight christmas dinner. My parents like it. My sister in law asked me for the recipe too.
I must admit I call bryan teacher last night. I hesitated a while but I dun know who to ask.
Bryan I really appreciate you took my call and help me with my question. You could have ignore my call.
I like the idea of treating my hair loss problem at home rather then at those shops..its kind of embarassing.
I am also using Rosemary with Lavendula Vera for my hair loss problem. I see good results and it is much more time and money saving to do it at home.
Buddha bless you and may you have good health Bryan lao shi. You are a kind soul, and i love your workshops and blog.
Have been using the wooden comb method for hair care like the above, not only my headache is gone but hair is thicken now. I have wrote to wanbao column hope you have read that.
Keep up the good work.
I love to use my S$10.00 wooden comb for combing my hair. It can cure hairloss n very effective.
It is my personal experience n it is true bec my forehead has became botak for so many yrs.
I have shown great improvement in my hair growth n very happy with the gd result since 25/10/08.
I have seen other pple with que ban at their face n botak at their forehead n hairloss problem n big belly.
I have promised myself that i wld age gracefully with my pride to be a beautiful woman in Sin bec i have just completed my elementary stage of Bryan Lao Shi's Workshop within 6 mths without any regret in yr 2008.
fm kt
Hi kt i am so happy to know you really appreciate lao shi comb. I am too one of the user. It is amazing simple comb with rosemary, can comb away my stress
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