See already will laugh
I went for a photoshoot for some projects and I had a DIY MTV during my rest time :) It was pretty fun actually. You got to listen the song with your ear piece/phone. I like the song very much and hope you enjoy the video :D
I went for a photoshoot for some projects and I had a DIY MTV during my rest time :) It was pretty fun actually. You got to listen the song with your ear piece/phone. I like the song very much and hope you enjoy the video :D
Posted by
*Bryan Gan*
10:18 PM
Labels: My World, Video Clips
u shd consider doing part time modeling.
I enjoy your mini mtv.
Bryan Lao Shi's MTV at Singapore Botantic Garden.
Wow, the song is very nice n beautiful in music cum relaxation.
好喜欢这首歌!林锋的“爱不疚" 是吧?
Nice MTV!
Nice mtv... esp like the song by Raymond Lam... :)
The serum is very perfect, thanks for the xmas 2 bottle offers. I have saved alot of money and feel assured of natural products from your company.
Bryan you can become a model. I think this mini mtv is quite nicely done up.
Btw, I have already add sandalwood oil into my rice bran oil. The oil is very moisturising and smells great now. The oil is very light and I am surprised it does not leave me with a greasy feeling.
I like the calming woody smell of sandalwood. It makes the whole rice bran oil smell so good.
Thanks for your patience and advice.
I am very happy because I see new hair growing out after using rosemary and lavendula oil.
I seldom have headache nowadays ever since I use the wooden comb technique with the oil.
Thank you. I see hope now
I am looking forward to your new 5 elements oil. The oil is very good as an immune booster. My child seldom fall sick nowdays.
Thank you.
I like to use the 5 elements oil for footbath.
Bryan teacher,
what you taught for the stomach massage really help to ease my stomach discomfort. Bloating is not a good feeling at all. I feel so fat when my stomach is bloated.
Thanks for this info although it takes a bit of effort.
Kim hwa
Good morning bryan lao shi,
after using the rice bran oil with the lavendula charcoal flora water, my skin becomes more supple. My skin appeared drained and dehyrdated last time. Oil plus water method is fantastic!
Mrs Teng
The mtv song is very nice.
Bryan, you really don't look like your real age at all. You really maintained yourself very well.
Best rice bran oil, i love it. Now with flora water , i totall agree with Mrs Teng.
Thank you lao shi. The serum i have ordered. Hope u receive my email is been 2 days already
Hi Bryan Lao Shi, gd morning.
Thk u for teaching, guiding me with a lot of Health n Beauty Tips by attending all Workshop within 6mths.
Bryan, thk u for yr encouragement, guidance n counselling to save me fm mild depression as my En Ren, Gui Ren, friend cum gd Lao Shi.
Bryan, my skin complexion have improved, more radiant to be a beautiful woman n even younger than my actual age n very skinny.
I love crystal n my beautiful activated bracelet fm u.
Bryan, thk a lot.
fm Sweety Baby
I enjoyed myself with viewing yr Blk tourmaline 3 in 1 Smoky Quartz Dzi n Purple Green with Dzi n yr Singapore Botantic Garden MTV.
I have took out my Bracelet at my left wrist, lay on my bed, listerned to music for relaxation, starting to count how pieces of hearted shaped of bloodstone on 10/12/2008.
Hello Bryan,
all your video clips never fail to make me smile and laugh.
Well done.
The bodyache set is very good. Massaging the aching area and doing a footbath with the set has reduced my aching pain a lot. I do not feel cold easily in my office now.
Thank you.
I am really tempted to go Singapore Botanic Gardens for my Breathing exercise, Aura Cleansing with my Energy Chakra, Tai Ji Dance, Yoga Posture, VW Exercise etc with my bracelet.
I will make a wish at the Waterfall, slowly strolling, planning n setting my goal n resolution for the yr 2009.
hi, it's been weeks since the ordering of the products,but i am still waiting......................
Hi anonymous,
since it has been weeks of waiting, u should call or email again to bryan to confirm whether he received your orders a not.
It does not help by leaving a comment here as anonymous. Bryan will not know who you are right?
Bryan lao shi will have a 5 elements class this saturday at Toa payoh safra, you may want to consider collecting from him on saturday if you cannot wait.
I can understand how you feel. Usually, if I need the item urgently, I will collect from Bryan either by going to his house or at his workshops to collect.
So far, I have never experience more then 2 weeks of waiting.
The last time I waited for slightly more then a week is when he has many classes going on during the particular week.
Bryan might not have received your request. You should double check with him.
Aiyo. How would Bryan know who you are when you did not leave your name or contact number behind?
I know this song!
Bryan like this song feel calm and yrs lovely mtv thanks for sharing.cheers!
I am still thinking n guessing who is the mystery man who has came to my Workplace with a hat.
On 22/8/08, i have saw someone who was so familiar to me, grabbed my bag n run away quickly after work near my hse.
Hi Bryan Lao Shi,
Bryan, u have shown great improvement by introducing yr Workshop in video clip with nice songs since August 2008.
fm kt
Hi zhiwei, u again, steady lah!!!!Every comment sure got you, we both same kind same kind! haha
On 30/12, my male colleague has hugged very tightly when i have sat at the computer desk. He is very hot tempered person. He has treated me like his En Ren n Gui Ren bec he is nowaday gd tempered, more caring n loving towards our personal need. I have complained to my senior manager for SOS.
He has hugged me so tightly when i have sat at the computer desk at my workplace. I am really happy to see great changes in him as his friend n colleague.
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