Super Nourishing Tea 元气美容茶

Let me introduce a very special tea to you. I drink it to nourish my lungs and stomach. It is not heaty and you can drink 4 times a week. It will help to improve your "Qi", improve sleep and digestion, giving you radiant skin. Especially good for those who wake up at 4am. Drink this and combine with some kwa sa will be good :)
Bryan's secret Tea: Exact ingredients and amount is shown above
From left to right are (Dang Shen 党参, Yu Zu 海玉竹, Zhun San 准山). Just one piece each, except Dang Sheng, where you can use scissor to cut into pieces. Put everything in 500ml water. Use small fire to boil for 30mins. Drink when cool.
The September Kwa Sa, moxibustion, touch therapy, Cupping class is FULL HOUSE once again. The next class will be scheduled on 5th December 2009. Registeration in progress now. I will annouce again. Email to to register. Subject title as "5th Dec New Age Therapy class". Include your name and mobile number in your email. Course Details as at
NB: Updated: (Have you ever seen angel feather? )
1 comment:
Hi Bryan, drink in the morning will be best effect or? :)
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