When you feel complete, you enjoy what you have. At the same time, you feel able to change those things in your life that needs improvement and accept those things that cannot be changed.
A complete person is balanced in 4 areas: EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL HEALTH. We will touch on this later during the class. All students, please come at 7pm sharp. The venue is Toa Payoh Safra Kim Keat room (dance studio).
I have 2 blogs. The one you are visiting now is a blog on health and beauty.
Today in this blog, let me introduce another herbal tea to you. This herbal tea can assist to balance emotional and mental health. You can make this tasty herbal tea if you feel very agitated, bad mood, stressful, upset easily and anxiety. A good food cure helps to balance your internal organs and at the same time, activating the emotional and mental cells to be healthy. Many people who are moody, in bad health or feeling unhappy are mostly caused by their diet.Bryan 老师 Mental and Emotion Balance Herbal Tea
浮小麦: 止虚汗,养心安神。用于体虚多汗,脏躁症 {fu siao mai, a kind of wheat}: 3 Chinese porcelain soup spoonful.
Red Dates : 4 remove seeds
Liquorice(gan cao) : 3 slices (go to a chinese medical hall just say 甘草,$1 can get many slices)
Put all ingredients into 500ml water. Boil for 20 mins. Drink when cool. 2 cups a day. Drink 3 times a week for a month.
Effect: After drinking your first cup, you will feel calm and happy. This tea is taught by my master 10 years ago. It is a good tea for stressful children during exam too.
Refer to the the blog for further information on mental health
NB: All orders will be delayed because there is a delay in shipment. Thank you.LAUNCH OF WALNUT HAIR CONDITIONER TONIC: Shampoo have received a number of feedbacks.
Derived from natural herbs in combination with Bryan's famous clinical Aroma oil to create the finest nourishing aromatherapy conditioner
Synergy of botanicals herbs.
Excellent for damaged, or dry hair.
Excellent for thinning, grey or colored hair.
Excellent for even the most sensitive scalps.
Stimulates and increases hair growth naturally.
Nontoxic and non-allergenic.
Safe for all members of the family
Apply after washing your hair clean. Massage in for 2 mins, and rinse off. $45 for 250ml.
To clarify, I thought Conditioner cannot touch the scalp? But you mentioned to massage for 2mins.
This is tonic conditioner:>. SO u massage abit and wash off:>
can i know where to buy 浮小麦?
Lao shi i love the shampoo u have. Can it be use for kids. Because i find your shampoo gentle yet nourishing and cleansing.
The herbs all can buy at any HDB chinese medical hall. I just bought....
I love your mala is really fantastic. It calms my mind and my health is better too.
Xie Xie
Best eye cream i have tried so far. I wonder is there a eye mask.
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