Friday, September 18, 2009

Testimonial for last Sat Class: Thanks

"Dear Lao Shi, my husband has upper back ache, frozen shoulders for many months. Even after Tui Na and seeing doctor there is not much improvements. After attending ur Kwa Sa Course. I did a simple Move Cupping for him, to my surprise the 3 oil (lavendula , peppermint and Majoram) helps. His back neck shoulder pain and tiredness were ok after 2 days. His tired eyes and dark eye circle also lighten. Thank you so much." ------ R.G. (permission granted to use the picture) .
I am a good living example of one who had bone degeneration and back pain. I have recovered about 80% using my 3 oil method and cupping. I really hope to share this knowledge to more people. Do come for my class on 5th Dec 2009. More details of East Meet West New Age therapy as at,


Anonymous said...

Bryan, after the class I went home and used the method you taught for my husband's back.
His back condition also see a few doctors but the pain come back very often.
The pain on his back disppeared about 1-2 days after I did cupping for him. Now he is learning and doing for me. We take turns. The body feels most relieve and energetic.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dearest teacher,
I appreciate your teachings very much. Learning the Kwa Sa method, cupping, moxibustion during the class is very helpful.

I put it to good use on my father and husband. Both of them finds it very good and effective.

I hope to learn more from you in the years to come. Thank you very much. Keep up with the good work.

yours truely,