Thursday, February 28, 2013

East Meet West Class For Beginners

East Meet West Kwa Sa, Moxibustion, Cupping

6th April 2013
CSC Club: 930am to 12:30pm
Fees: $55
Class only allow 45 students.

Closing date 11th March 2013 , 

Include a free: Kwa Sa Plate and Moxibustion stick.

First 20 register will receive a rare volcano mask fresh.

Below is a big class. Now reduce to 45. So u can learn more:>

100 witness Bryan's famous 3 oil kwa sa
This short video showed a demo of Kwa Sa with 3 oil method on this lady. Look at the redness and "Sa" at the back of her neck. Many people thought I used a lot of strength. Well, I did not and I don't have to use much strength at all. What I did was to apply the 3 oil with cream and use Spoon on her neck. The purple "sa" surfaced after 7 light strokes without applying much strength at all. She felt great after that.

Above is 2010 class:
"Lao shi, i use 3 oil kwa sa for my neck by no purple dots. But when I did it for my husband who have chronic neck pain, the purple dots appear after 11 stroke, i didnt use strength at all. He felt great and sleep well yesterday"....... Z.H.
"I am glad to attend this talk. Its more than a talk. Benefits from this class a lot." --- Jenny
"My lower back were "killing Me" with pain as I worked as a operator at seagate Ur 3 oil methods work.I love it !!! My pain is relieved . ----- Miss Goh
I have a group of wonderful volunteers helping me for all classes and events. They put in a lot of effort and personal time to help me from organising to making phone calls etc. If you have registered for any classes, do make an effort to come. If you are unable to make it due to some reasons, I would really appreciate if you can make an effort to inform us much earlier.
Bryan sound a bit strict hor? I need to be firm sometimes to be fair because I feel upset when there are really some who wanted to learn certain illness treatment method badly but no seats left for them.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan,

I have no regret to buy your Omhealth Magnesium Salt from you. It can remove damp energy & wind from my body. I can sleep even deeper & lesser bodyache.

I love your Omhealth Natural Herbal Shampoo. My hair texture has improved and very soft to be touched by my hand.

I love playing with my hair nowaday. I have bought my Wang Yang Comb on 25/10/2008 at your Workshop.

fm karen tong

Unknown said...

I am really disappointed as you rejected my registeration for part 1 workshop last friday. Can I be your volunteer in future.

My dad has chronic knee pain. And I was hoping this workshop will help.

Can I visit for consultation laoshi. Thanks for your attention.