It was kinda of stuffy for the past few weeks. The pouring rain seems to brighten the day.
Skin will look dull during this period because of the humid and the stress free radicals that accumulates on the face. It is useful to use an antioxidant facial scrub. If you have purchased my Anti-Age Renewal Flora facial scrub, please use it. It will improve your mood too. Best jojoba antioxidant scrub, powerful rejuvenations. You will feel good and SMILE!
Bryan老师 Anti-Age Renewal Flora Anti-oxidant Tea
True antioxidant does not comes from pills. Bryan 老师 loves to make natural tea and foodcure for health and skincare. I will definitely share more on this during my "POWER BEAUTY & HEALTH TALK" on 24 July.
1/2 teaspoon Lemongrass, Pink Rose Buds x 2. Put everything in a cup of boiling water. Seep for 15mins. Add a teaspoon of linden flower honey. Drink 3 times a week.Properties:
Remove wind, improves digestion, fight free radicals, calming effect that relieves insomnia or stress when combined with linden (organic Honey).
This tea is a good cleanser that helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract. It cuts down uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats and other toxins in the body while stimulating digestion, blood circulation, and lactation; it also alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis.
It is said that lemongrass also help to improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples, acts as a muscle and tissue toner. It can also reduce blood pressure.
Oh gosh....there are still so so so many things I wanted very very much to share. Really hope you can practise/try them. You can get the lemongrass from any organic shop. One packet is a large quantity. Do not waste it, can share with your colleagues.
Event List : www.omhealth.com/bryanup.htm
Product list : www.omhealth.com/bryanlist2.htm (Fresh arrival of Facial scrub and Flora water)
Updated : http://www.bryanverygoodluck.blogspot.com/
NB: Bryan will be invited to KL this two weeks for a talk on Tea tasting and health plus amazing "Da Jia Lai Bai Bai" (a very famous class now)
Hi...anyone can share where to buy the rose buds?
i bought my rosebud from ION, basement foodcourt level there is a tea shop selling all teas and flower herbs. Very obvious can find one.
you can find in medical hall ba... i bought before tampine north 1 basement
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