Friday, November 5, 2010

Removal of damp Energy Tea

This tea helps to improve sleep, remove body dampness, strengthen the spleen, indirectly improves digestion, remove agitation and anger due to sleep problems, improve overall well being . Drink 2-3 times a week. However, drink only the water, do not eat the ingredients.

1) One chinese tablespoon as shown above of green bean, 赤小豆,
2) 20 pieces 百合

I bought all my ingredients from the market and they cost less than $1.50..Hehehehehhee.

Remember to wash clean all ingredients...

Immerse all the beans in water for 1 hour. Put only the beans in a pot of water, 1.5 litre water ( about the quantity of 3 mineral water bottle). Boil for 20 minutes. Then, switch to small fire. Add in 百合to boil for 10minutes. Off fire. Drink when its cool. Add acacia honey to taste if you have.

Final Qi Gong , Prana Touch therapy is created by me for very busy people like us to improve health. Especially for touch therapy, where you can do it for children, yourself or older people for 8 minutes to balance overall system and improve sleep. Please do not waste this chance as the next Qi Gong Class will be in April next year. Email to to register. Make an effort. Its on a saturday morning, 10 am 13 NOv 2010.

Only 8 seats available for previous students who wants to attend again, at $15. Students want to attend again, do sms me directly at 94895606.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, i just send an SMS to Bryan Lao Shi's handphone to reserve a seat for attending his 5 Element Qi Gong & Prana Touch Therapy Workshop on 13th Nov 2010.

I am his old student who has attend his 5 Elements Qi Gong & Prana Touch Therapy Workshop on 30th Oct 2009.

I am practising 5 Elements Qi Gong that i have attracted 2 fishes toward me(the Swan Pond) at the Singapore Botantial Gardens on 31st Oct 2009. It is so amazing.

After his 2hrs Workshop, i am going to have my lunch 1st & bring along my pkt of Joss Paper Formation & visiting the Chinese Temple for praying & made a donation for helping the needy.


Anonymous said...

Who will be the 1st LUCKY Batch of old & new student to take a Class photograph with our Bryan Lao Shi at Harmony Dance Studio at Waterloo Centre on 13th Nov 2010?

Anonymous said...

All are welcome! come and experience ... whether u r old or new students.. come and join in..

So happy ........:)

Anonymous said...

I will never forget my personal experience by attending Bryan's 5 elements Exercise Class with Yin & Yang Music from USA at Kim Keat Rm. We are also taught Yin & Yang Yoga many yrs ago.

Bryan has taught us Kick Boxing, Breathing Exercise, Qi Gong, a few useful Yoga styles, how to massage a few accupressure points for gd health & skin radiance.

I love to attend his Cooking Part 1 with his mother, Annie at the CSC with English theory notes given. I will looking forward to attend his Cooking Class Part 2 in future.

Anonymous said...

If u r a New Comer have attended our Bryan's 5 Elements Qi Gong & Prana Touch Therapy Workshop, u will be able to follow our Bryan Lao Shi to Hortpark Healing Garden (as Basic Foundation & benefical for yr health) next yr 2011.

Bryan will teach his participant with 4:7:8 or 6:3:6 Breathing Exercise at ALL his Omhealth Workshop. Bryan also will teach his participant with 5 Elements Qi Gong for gd health & skin radiance.

If u r a New Comer, u r encouraged to rise up yr hand to let our Bryan Lao Shi pay more attention bec u r totally new to his Omhealth Workshop with care.

U can also bring along yr spouse, yr parent or grandparent to attend his 13th Nov 2010 Workshop. Bryan can spk English, Mandarin, Hokkien & Cantonese at ALL his Omhealth Workshop in Sin.

Thk u for yr attention.

Have a Nice Wkend.


Anonymous said...

Trying to look out for the herbs mixture for strengthening the waist, those who get dizzy & ear buzzing noise, which was recommended on 4 Nov 2010. Is the following mix correct?

Cook the following with water.
Euryale Ferox (30g)
Walnut meat (125g)
Red date (6 of them, smashed)