Sunday, April 17, 2011

$45 or $262

Left is $45 and right is $262.

Left dont promise you brighter skin in 7 days. But since 2004 many says it does.

Left focus on chemical free and naturally whiten your skin, brighten your skin, work to skin nourishment from within.

Why not u try right one day. Than switch back to left and you will know what I mean de wor.....
Skin Texture Serum Improvements: Day time: ANtiage Serum Night time: Skin vita serum Serum set: $113, give it a try now....


Anonymous said...

I have tried the right... but left is even better:>

Anonymous said...

I prefer the $45 one. But if bottle can be like the $262 one I will be more happy.

Your antiage serum is very good should look into new bottles.