Thursday, April 7, 2011

Healthy Mind = Healthy Body by Affirmations.

We are well aware that stress and insomnia are the main causes of aging and bodyaches. In 2001 DSTA auditorium, Professor V came to my office and mentioned that life is the attitude that matters, not the altitude...... this simple yet profound advice becomes the basic of my way of handling things in life.

Basic Daily Affirmations to improve mental health:

There is a non religious breathing exercise which all of us can do every night or morning. It was even done by doctors and professors to improve one's mental health. Its really good for people who worked in a very harsh environment or need to deal with difficult in-Laws hahahahaa.

I once worked in DSTA (Defence Science ....) Yes, tough especially dealing with human relationships and nobody really like auditor.... but.... I did the following....

Either in the morning or evening:

1 drop of Lavendula vera oil and 1 drop of Grapefruit pink oil onto a piece of tissue.

Inhale from this tissue a few times.


  • Whenever I meet a person who is overwhelmed by negative energy, I will think of this person as a precious treasure to train my personality.

  • Whenever others, out of jealousy and mistreat me with abuse, slander etc, I will practise accepting defeat and offering victory to them.

  • When someone whom I have benefited, or whom I have placed great trust in, hurts me very badly, I will let go and will think of this person as my supreme teacher.

Breathe in deeply and exhale out.

1 comment:

Hong Zhi said...

Thanks for the inspiration.

Indeed, my headahces monthly is caused by stress and my boss.

Will take note....