Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A new comers wanted me to share here: IMPORTANT NEWS

A new blog reader from Australia was diagnosed with cancer after health check up last month. She wanted me to share here.

His family has always adhere to a strict organic food diet and every month visit the TCM for good health. However, one news after another.... both husband and wife were diagnosed of cancer. They were shocked, angry and could not understand what and where they went wrong...eating organic food in their whole life and still have cancer.... Both husband and wife are lawyers and they have a very stressful worklife..... of course, they are financially good to spend on organic food and TCM in Australia....

He was diagnosed in Australia top cancer hospital and the specialist told him one thing:

Many cancers were caused by STRESS....... and cell mutate..... etc...

Morale of the story:
Stress need to be addressed . Weekly facial steaming with aroma oil and acupressure will do you good. Perform breathing exercise NOW (478). Don't be lazy.

4 June - "Health and Beauty with Bryan" Part ONE for new comers and all who have never attended Part one before. Please come.....I hope to see all of you

Register via class@omhealth.com

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