Cough, Dry Throat, Lost of voice, Haze problem...
Cough and pollutions may affect our respiratory system. So pressing of following two acupressure point helps to strengthen our lungs. U can use the aroma oil lavendula and eucalyptus or
the new $18 Bryan's Clarity Blend. Super lung strengthen and headaches remedies too.
Press below 2 acupressure 3 times a day.
Dont underestimate the power of lung meridians... they works wonder... It quickly tell the lungs to wakeup and create a super power shield ... this shield further enhance with aromatherapy.
Lavendula vera and Eucalyptus radiata is a great remedies and protection for the lungs.
This powerful combination of raw honey with watercress and eucalyptus makes an excellent alternative remedy for cough, sore throat, and lost of voice, a natural expectorant therefore works well in loosening and expelling phlegm from throat. This is not medicine but raw honey.

Children between 2- 4 years old : start off with one teaspoon neat
Thereafter, followed by warm water.
Take 4 times per day
*shake well before consume
Apply one drop of Lavendula vera and Eucalyptus onto a wooden massage stick or wooden chopstick. Let the wood absorb the oil. Use this stick to press acupressure point A as shown above for 2mins. Press 6 seconds and 6 seconds and release............
NB: Actually thought of checking emails and packing orders this morning but so many people sms me for cough remedies. I spent quite some time to prepare this post for you. Can't finished packing all orders and some will be delayed.
1 comment:
Think is S$80.00 n above.
Organic Honey n Royal jelly
Tel: 96523139
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