Thursday, July 28, 2011

Very Busy

August is only a few days months have gone by! What a busy year....
You know what? Whenever I come across a simple note, "How are you, Bryan?" in the mist of clearing mailbox, it can make me feel so so good. Thank you for dropping by to say HI :)

Thank you all for your orders, managed to clear 60 emails now. Judging from the amount of emails left to clear, I guess I have to work late today. Oh! I saw quite a few newcomers. Hihi and Welcome! I guessed some of you are not familiar with the mode of delivery for your order.....emails asking me, " Bryan, I meet you at MRT near my house ok to collect items...." must pardon Uncle Bryan...I am unable to make personal delivery for your items ordered......Mode of delivery is usually by registered postage or courier. Hope you understand :)

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