Thursday, August 4, 2011

Don't miss 11 Sep 2011

Biggest event of the year 100++ people Positive Affirmation and Energy Tapping workshop.

From years of experience, I can say that most of the diseases are due to emotional imbalance. With positive affirmation and energy clearing, unhealthy emotions are taken care of at the root cause level. I will recommend each and every person to experience as I have experienced it myself. --------- Bryan Lao Shi

Case Study A:
Jane's leg was injured in 2010. After her cast was removed, pain was unendurable...she tried to straighten her leg, which hurt so much. Jane tried a lot of therapy from TCM to physio but progress was slow. She attended Bryan's positive affirmation workshop and recovery speed up progressively..... Come and learn this simple technique :)

To register, email to 11 Sep 2011. 10 to 1130am. CSC. $28

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