ROyal Fresh Oil for collectors is ready to order
Singapore First Royal Family Aroma Oil from Bryan since 1999 dedicated to be used by a group.
Bryan's all time popular 3 oil method has helped many people to improve their physical health, as well as saving money. I discovered there are copycats in the market, who blend my 3 oil and other things in one bottle and sell it at $60 per bottle. Aside the fact that Bryan's 3 different bottles of oil is only $88, Bryan's 3 oil method is really 用心良苦。。。。。
In, I will include a detailed section on royal family oil next week. I strongly recommend Melissa, it is really good. Many different grades, and it took me 6 years to research. I finally found the one with the best energy! The same goes for Lavendula vera. Once you experience it for yourself, you will know. For past 10 years, there are a group of ladies who ordered royal oil series from me, not because of cheaper price but because of its GOOD QUALITY.
I can say with pride that my oil is known for its good grade and freshness. In terms of $$$, it is definitely cheaper then the market rate. A very good example is Rose Geranium; so precious and market price is $95. How much is Bryan able to offer? Well, its still $45.
Royal Family Famous Oil for collectors is ready to be ordered by collectors. I would suggest beginners to start off from the basic oil because I prefer to gain your trust and faith in my product first.
1) Queen of flower: Rose Otto $120 1ml
2) King of Wood: 30 years old Sandalwood $108 5ml
3) Princess of Healing Heart Leaf : Meilissa $200 5ml
4) Pink Lotus pure oil $380 for 3ml
5) White Lotus pure oil $380 for 3ml
Ancient Egypt: Lotus oil is more expensive then Gold;
The Ancient Romans used lotus essential oil in compresses and Vicks Vapo Rub like plasters for treating asthma and other upper respiratory infections. Lotus is one of those scents like frankincense that makes the body unconsciously take deeper breaths, promoting relaxation and calm. Lotus essential oil is one of those overall tonics that seem to help the body work more efficiently. There are alternatives. This additional information is purely for learning purposes to enhance your knowledge in aroma oil.
Keep them in a nice box, can last for 10 years. You only need to use just a bit each time.
Melissa of Pure: Many shops in the market use a bit of Melissa to blend and sell diluted to their customers at high price. At Omhealth, you can get a pure a 5ml of Melissa at $200 (250 drops inside, takes years to finish)Melissa Leaf (most expensive aroma leaf) aroma oil . Melissa has a light, fresh, lemony scent that is strengthening and revitalizing, yet soothing and calming. It was an important ingredient in Carmelite water (distilled in France since 1611 by members of the Carmelite Order). Several studies reported that Melissa may benefit the skin if use for facial steaming once a month. It is also comforting during the winter season and supportive of immune system function.
In market, there are remixed (reblended Melissa which cost 1/8 of the original price. Take note and be careful)
Melissa and Moods
For many people, taking Melissa herbal supplements helps them improve levels of relaxation and better their mood. It's a bit similar to Lavender, which also has soothing as well as antiseptic qualities. Whether used as an aromatherapy oil, swallowed as a herbal supplement or used as a topical ointment, it can help get you in a better mood.
Scientific studies have proven that Melissa works. In one of the most recent one, volunteers were given either a placebo or extract of lemon balm in a recent study to see if their moods improved and anxiety levels decreased. The outcome was a positive one, largely because the herb is instrumental in helping the nervous system to relax.
Benefits of Melissa :
> Relaxing
> Depression and heart palpitations
> Calming and reducing tension headaches
> Assisting with over-active thyroid
> Reducing fevers
> Helping aches and pains
> Grief
> Tension
> Anxiety
> Peaceful sleep
Antispasmodic on the cardiac system, calms down heart palpitations and warms the heart (internally)
For the over-anxious personality, melancholic, reminiscent of past things, strong imagination, eases the heart of its sorrows, a finer part of self-sensitivity and sensibility, chases away black thoughts (good for bitter people), good for old people, convalescents, and children.
Heart to Heart Healing Blend:
2 drops of Rosemary, 2 drops of Melissa and 2 drops of Lavendula vera in 10ml rice bran oil. Mix well and apply to neck shoulder before sleep. Well, this aroma recipe is one of my favourite. You can also create yur own blend with Melissa :)
1 comment:
Where did you get your tea cup with built in filter? I ve been searching for one like tt so fail to find a good one. Can you recommend yours?
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