Monday, October 3, 2011

Frankincense further research and may be useful for cancer

This Gum Incense costs $300 for one resin. Very thereupectic.....Well, its a collector piece and not for sale.

The gift given by the wise men to the baby Jesus probably came across the deserts from Oman. The BBC’s Jeremy Howell visits the country to ask whether a commodity that was once worth its weight in gold could be reborn as a treatment for cancer.
Oman’s Land of Frankincense is an 11-hour drive southwards from the capital, Muscat.
Warm winters and showery summers are the perfect conditions for the Boswellia sacra tree to produce the sap called frankincense. These trees grow wild in Dhofar.
“The records show that frankincense was produced here as far back as 7,000 BCE, said Mohammed Al-Shahri , a local tour guide.

I was first introduced to frankincense in 1999 by Mdm fox, disciple of an Arab master. She used it for facial steaming because Frankincense is really a good anti-age oil ...
Invest in high quality Frankincense, it will be a very good investment. Apply a drop onto a piece of tissue paper. Inhale slightly. Personally, I like to apply a drop of this oil direct to neck and promote sleep.

Bryan's Frankincense essential oil : $45  6mlsince 1999 and holy sacred frankincense $90 6ml

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