Friday, October 21, 2011

Skin vita serum rocks

Bryan Lao Shi, even earlier than any Lao Shi has introduced the right whitening formulae for serum since 2003 and till today created many natural skincare.... Are u one of them to celebrate the 8 years anniversary of my Serum. First Serum user was a lady from Mindef ahaha .... how re u? ahahha

Nu-er teacher from Taiwan mentioned that only few ingredients recongnised by Taiwan ministry of health that has whitening effects. All others are useless:>

Many serum in the market over add of ingredients which has no whitening effects:> for marketing purpose from things like Sheep Planceta....

Bryan Lao shi chemical free skin vita serum has the ingredients mentioned
By nu-er which is 熊果/ bearberry extract the main whitening ingredient in my skin vita serum; And vit C too which will work fast:>

Yes yes yes yes yes since 2003 Bryan skin vita serums no wonder works wonder for dull skin; hurray.

Yellow dull skin try my vita serum at night!!! Oh dear am I selling melon; aiya I don't care le la. It works ....for many skin alalal a happy )=

Sensitive Skin one: Try Antiage serum day and night first slowly than introduce Skin Vita Serum

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