Damp Qi Weather Soup and Skin Whitening:> (2011 Article Revamped)
I have decided to improve on old article and can help more people.
This soup is MAMA soup but enhance with a student call wendy recipes.
NB: After drinking this soup, second day, you do a face mask with pearl white clay powder, than lavender flora water damp ur face follow by neroli oil face massage and a warm towel cover ur face for 5 mins, than wash face with ice water. Super radiant from inside out. Refer to the youtube on flower water and oil method for beauty.
Yes the dAMPNess Qi of the air and your ZZZzzz monster is attacking you this period. Many feel extremely sleepy, joint pain and tired. Some even feel no mood and have body-ache. Also stomach easily have problems. Hives and rashes seems to surface alot this few weeks.
Yes nothing but dampness. Time to use the right aroma oil and also herbal tea
Dampness is WHAT? Ang mo dont know one.
Dampness is abnormal state of the body’s energy that results in accumulation of fluid-type stuff. Dampness has obvious physical manifestations: mucus and phlegm are examples of dampness in the body, so a runny nose, coughing up phlegm, or feeling congested are all related to dampness.
But dampness beside neck shoulder can also occur in our middle and lower bodies, too, and sometimes these manifestations causing u feel heavy, sluggish, thick, and kind of grimy.
UR BRYAN relax blend oil for powerbath, peppermint oil and 3 oil method kwa sha neck can remove many dampness le..... U do anot...
After drink the soup. 2 hours later, 1 drop rose geranium, 1 drop rosemary and 1 drop lemon in 3 drop rice bran oil massage stomach and neck. Than press below for 3 mins. Or 3 oil apply neck shoulder u self kwa sha neck, feel good ok.

A) Footbath to remove dampness from body and encourage better sleep
1)6 drops of Bryan's Relax blend in pail of warm water and immerse foot in it for 15mins:> (3 times a week) feel the difference:>
Bryan relax blend have a herb call HUO SIANG. remove dampness.

remove body ache and toxic , calm the heart. 清香沁脾,具有营养机体.
E) Honey Dates x 2Wash few times clean, than add 2 litre of water and boil for 1 hour. Drink the water dont eat the bean. Drink 1 cup at noon and one at evening.
U will feel the super good effect after 1 hour. Feel great:>

NB: U all see this simple article, took me 2 hours to write and edit picture.... ehhhee. U all must not waste my effort and must cook and drink ok:>
All skin care arrived fresh :
Special Oil of the Month: Freshly distilled for OMHEALTH with high freshness and healing content:
Fresh Season Bergamot (300 compound)
Bergamot oil is a staple essential oil in therapeutic aromatherapy, being particularly suited to stress-related illness. Its bright, sweet (but not too sweet) aroma is universally loved. Its an oil from the citrus family, along with orange, grapefruit, lemon and lime, with similarly effective mood lifting properties. Bergamot is a cold-pressed oil, a method of extraction that imparts a fresh, tangy scent. Bergamot is actually a tree that produces what appear to be small oranges; the oil is yellow to light-green, the color of the slightly unripe fruit from which it comes. The essential oil is truly versatile, with many practical applications; here's a quick look at how you can use this oil in your natural health and wellness program.
Bergamot essential oil is foremost a miraculous neuro-tonic, and a powerful helper against depression caused by fatigue or unreleased tensions and frustrations. Aromatic massage with the oil is naturally indicated for those with poor circulation, heart palpitations, hypertension, and general stress related dis-ease. Depression due to the stagnation of life-force energy is often the result of accumulated stress and repressed emotions of grief, frustration or anger. A protective oil by nature, Bergamot is indicated whenever the flow of natural energy is disrupted, leading to imbalanced states such as irritability, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Bergamot encourages the release of repressed and inhibited feelings, thus helping to release and decompress. The sparkling and yet gentle floral scent gives the oil a sedative yet uplifting quality with the primary effects being calming, balancing centering and clarifying.
Always use this blend massage
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