Friday, November 25, 2011

Stomach Flu and After Sickness Speed recovery: Testimonial

Jennifer's son suffers from stomach flu last month. After recovery, still feel like "not right" easily tired and no energy. No matter how much rest and even drink ginger tea, the body still feel fatigue. So I suggested Jennifer who attended my Kwa Sa class before to "force" her son to do it. Because Jennifer ask me for foodcure, but I told her the body trapped dampness , need to work on it .

We need to remove Damp energy:>

A) 4 drops Bryan relaxation blend in warm water and scrub body with towel.

B) Bryan's 3 oil method and perform "Kua Sa" Amazingly, Jennifer say the Sa came out immediately without using force. And when "Kua Sa" the son farted and burp..... (eeewww).

Jennifer's son ask Jennifer to take a pic as a testimonial. Jennifer's son slept like a pig that night and wake up refreshed.

Bryan's 3 oil method helps many for more than 8 years. Thank You all. To read more about 3 oil method u can see the post beside under " 3 oil method lor"

3 oil are : Lavendula vera, Peppermint AV and Majoram Sweet--- CLinical Grade OIl that remove dampness, improve circulation and natural muscle relaxant.

Shower Rinse is Bryan relaxation Blend

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