Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thank You 2012

This is one of the most common and "very family" testimonial which I received daily. These are common problems which many of people may experienced.

I wish everyone a good year ahead!
Hehehehehe... I am very lucky to be featured in the magazine again. This is not a big deal but I would say a lot of hard work is required. Can't believe I have been upgraded to "Ming Ren" page...heheheehee. Young entrepreneurs who just started out, hang on there. Strive on and work hard. There's no shortcut to success. I am still working hard hahaha
My heartfelt thanks to everyone for your trust and kind support all these years. Many supporters came a long way together with me..from the days I pull my trolley of oil to workshops till now, a van of products. Hahaaaa... THANK YOU!

I will continue to ensure best quality and continuous improvements in my products. Best is not enough but fresh, genuine and sincered products. I want people who use my products to feel happy :)

这条路走了十五年,好多委屈与心酸 (but that is also the most precious learning experience which I really really appreciate). 我的功课终于得到各界的赞赏。From now, 。。。。。 我还是那个我,让我 continue to share all my findings with support from my groups of committees (Professors TCM, pharmacists and doctors). Thank you.

NB: I received many sms on the tea mentioned in previous post. Super nice and good right? There's no need to put sugar. Really nice to receive testimonials on health improvements. Yesterday, I also received one feedback on Sunflower Slimming Oil. Oh yes, it is more than a slimming oil :D

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