Friday, February 3, 2012

Drink this after CNY to remove water retention and fat face

There are no ugly women in this world but only lazy women.
Everyone can be good looking. Some people are a bit more blessed than others and required less effort to look good. People who are not born good looking can look good too by putting in some effort. Some ladies over exercise....they always see themselves as fat, and do not eat proper meals...Little did they know that in this way, their body generates a lot of free radicals and aged fast even faster. Thus, a person with nice figure may not be pretty...

Start using my eye cream and face serum. It really works...

This drink is for 骨挛痈漏(筋骨pain,溃,积年累月,终身成为废疾). A drink for people who experienced "here pain there pain", moody, don't feel right but not sick. It helps whitening of skin too. Ingredients are 土茯苓,薏仁。

Power Method: Before drinking this drink, do a body sea salt scrub. This is because after doing a sea salt scrub, the toxic is reduced. Water retention is further reduced with this drink.

After drinking this tea, do an an-tiage scrub, followed by a 2 min facial steaming with Rose Geranium and Lavendula Vera flora water H202 Neroli oil facial massage.

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