Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dull Skin in two days?

There was once when I went overseas, I was too tired to carry out my facial skin care routine and was also indulging myself in junk food for two days. When I came back to SIngapore, my skin appeared dull with a bit of rash on the eyebrow area.

In such situation, many people tends to panic and go for facial, overuse of skincare and their skin becomes more dull and sensitive.

DO NOT PANIC and STAY CALM. Let your skin returns to normal PH.
Try out Bryan's 5 days to 7 days method first. If you see no improvement during this period and feel that your skin is still very sensitive, see a doctor and follow doctor's instruction of cream application and anti allergy pill. Usually, it will take about 2 days to be ok.
(Natural therapy must also believe in doctor. There are some therapists who are over "NATURAL" and everything TCM. Western science sometimes have more research than natural method. There are also times where TCM may not work for certain problems. I respect all methods and explore the best techniques from both East and West)

Bryan's 5 days remedies to sensitive or dull skin.

1) Stop looking at the mirror. Looking at your dull skin with rashes will only make you more stress and takes longer time to recover.
2) Keep a diary. Tell yourself that you will watch your diet, drink 8 cups of water and one cup chemical free Chrysanthemums tea a day for the next 7 days. I used to be allergic of chrysanthemum tea. Lately, I realised that's because commercial chrysanthemum tea has a lot of pesticide and chemical. I spent $3 more and buy a better one. I was so amazed because for once I did not experience any allergy. I bought from Shaw Center - Prince cinema .. organic shop at the basement.
3) Day and Night: use a bit of mild cleanser cream (Bryan's Astiquer cleanser) to cleanse the skin(a quick cleanse of less than 10 seconds and wash off). Followed by a big mug of ice water with a drop of Lavendula Vera oil as a final rinse the face( do it for 3 consecutive days). Remember to avoid the eyes. (if you find your skin allergy to this, stop and just use ice water only).
4) Next, apply Organic Lavendula Vera water onto a piece of cotton pad. Never rub it against your skin. Just dap the whole face). Apply Anti-age serum and only 3 drops of neroli facial oil onto face without rubbing. Just warm your palms with this 3 drops and dap onto skin.
5) Invest in a full cream marigold milk for this 7 days. Keep in fridge. Daily before sleep, pour some cold milk onto a piece of cotton pad and dap on your face. Leave it on for 5 mins and wash off with cold water.

NB: Tolerate. No SUNBLOCK, moisturiser and MAKE UP for this 5 days. If you really want to use moisturiser, Rice Bran oil, Neroli oil or Day Hydrator will be a good choice.

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