Monday, February 13, 2012

Health and Emotional Health

My Rose Geranium is pretty well known embarassing *Oops so Aunty Lucy Hahaaaaaa....
In Japan, Rose Geranium is a very good oil for emotion : 強壮、抗菌、収斂、抗うつ、殺菌、鎮静、鎮痛、防虫作用など。 湿疹、乾燥肌、創傷、更年期障害などに効くとのこと。(妊婦は不可)[Don't understand right, check out]. This oil reminds me on the lesson on Acceptance. Read on...

You may go for regular sessions of foot reflexology and takes health products daily. However, your health will not progress if you are always feeling unhappy, upset and unaccepted in many ways. Many people felt that happiness is not within their reach as they grow older. This happens when these people perceive many things as unacceptable and happiness seems so hard to stay constant. Especially when you passed the age of 40 years old, you may find that you seek other's acceptance for happiness.

Let Bryan Lao Shi tell you, be happy now. No one human being is perfect. I am also learning, let us progress together.

Aroma oil related to acceptance is a blend of Rose Geranium, Lemon and Rosemary.

Acceptance means unconditional love. We must always remind ourselves to accept everyone(including ourself) exactly as they are, without judging, blaming or waiting for them to change them.

When we can totally accept, we bear no malice or enimity towards anyone or anything. Well, acceptance is a high state of being and is a difficult quality for humans to achieve. Nevertheless we must really look into it. First, we must learn to accept ourself. When we truly do so, we feel centered and confident. Our divine self is revealed and we radiate an aura of love.
Our body do have certain organs QI that helps to release the unacceptance energy. Try a drop of Rose Geranium, 2 drops of Lemon and 1 drop of Rosemary into a pail of warm water. Do a hand bath for 10mins ( I like to make the water a bit warm though). Wipe your hand dry and put both hands around your neck. Feel the calmness and peace of acceptance energy.

This is also Touch therapy which helps to boost immune system, speed up recovery of cough and sore throats.

Enjoying my daily flower tea. 3 Rose Buds, 1 Forget-me-not and 5 Jasmine. Royal princes and princesses also drink. How about you? Do make an effort to drink flower tea ok.

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