Friday, March 16, 2012

Amazing Natural Products from BRYAN

I am not MLM, if is MLM I think my product will price $$$. omhealth products used by many some from a girl to lady to now a WOMAN and mother of 2. I am always amaze how time flies and many still look young. Many who are born in 60s and 70s look younger than those who are in born later.... Because of the food we eat, and we are exposed to technical products much later ahahahha:>

U know the damaging effects of phones, computer on skin. So day time Marigold Moisturiser sunblock is important. But the wrong concept of Blocking totally from SUN is wrong as commercial world focus on SPF. U see ancient people works on farm and face the SUN but skin ok:> We always in concrete jungle, so u can blame ur blemishes from the SUN.... SOme people I see use SUN block until skin dull.... U all meditate and think.... Ur AH MA skin no sunblock look nicer than urs...

Retreat in Thailand is good for me, I will be in Mountain ah... Will bring alot of OIL because I afraid of insects le...:
FOr April Qi Gong Class u all need help me transfer first for attendance hor. Thanks for helping me:>

Products can be term natural but are they fresh? Are they mix with fragrance and chemicals that shouldnt be inside? I love fresh skincare. Example the moment u use my Astiquer Cleanser, my Organic lavender water , Gingseng eye cream and scrub. Especially the clay mask and hydrating mask. U know your skin is in good hands.

My mom's skin is the most striking evidence of using natural skin care. But we are always tempted by commercial products with big nice poster:> Well, I always have customers that stop mine product for a month and come back again.

Remember go back to the basic. There is nothing call overnight younger. But there is something call Slow and Steady:.

Bryan's Skincare Redefine Facial Texture:

Antiage Serums: 90% of client love the way it is absorb to the skin with VitC and collagen and flower extract delivers immediate nuitrients to the skin.

Daily Moisturiser: Marigold SunBlock (for those who have sunblock no need use), Perfectionist, Synergy (Active Ginger not for sensitive skin but OLD skin power), Marine Collagen Cream
88% ladies love to interchange every two months. Reshape your face contour daily. Perfectionist act as an excellent base for makeup too.

Eye Cream: Smoothed out wrinkles, reduced dark circles and is a good base for makeup too. After 4 weeks usage, skin around eyes are strengthen.

There is much I can do or say. I insist for 12 years on natural skin care. I still keep records my first customer for serum (a MINDEF Chief CLerk), my Moisturiser user( Stays in Namly Aven)... And all encouragement I get from you. Thanks:>

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