Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Health And Beauty With Bryan": $500 facial can be done at home at $15

In MAY 2012, during "HEALTH and Beauty with Bryan" talk , I will share about 24K Myrtle GOLD Facial First in Singapore. A clip via youtube will be shown and by then, a 2 month supply of Myrtle GOLD pure will be launched at $55. Each time use one only. Stay tune...... GOOD NEWS FOR ALL.

The Myrtle GOLD facial process ensures firmer, brighter and more supple skin. A spa with GOLD in England costs about SGD$800 and one of the TOP spa in Singapore cost $480.

Now with Bryan Anti-tage Serum and combined with Special 24K Myrtle GOLD, you can do this facial at home, and it will cost you less than $15 once a month.

All of you will love me lots lots when I share the secret :P Beauty Salon will not.......... Hahaha but I don't care. Using Myrtle GOLD is one of secret to my anti-aging.

Dearest all readers, please be patient. I will only disclose this lovely secret during "Health and Beauty with Bryan" in MAY and follow up with a clip on Youtube at the end of May. New comers, if you can't wait, you must come for this workshop.

GOLD FACIAL DIY AT HOME: This Bryan's facial is a unique combination of 24 carat gold, Aloe vera, rice oil. Some even believe that Queen Cleopatra used to wear on a gold mask while sleeping to maintain her beauty. Yet another important myrtle gold is it's ability to repair sun damage. It repairs damaged skin cells, treats skin inflammations and also slows down the creation of melanin thus, preventing the skin from sun tanning. It also works wonders on dark spots and skin discolouration.

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