Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Ok, u all see, if u pay alot alot for a cream with antioxidant. But the cream is with SLS, and others chemicals. U think carefully.... How is the antioxidant going to heal your skin and fight free radicals (cause of ageing).

AntioXIDants: There is a huge category under this umbrella, botanica extracts (antiage serums and All my mosituriser ), polyphenols (where my eye cream have). Also natural fatty acids such as alpha lipoic acid in neroli facial oil. And you know why my rice bran oil helped many eczema sufferers? Because Bryan's Rice bran contains healthy amounts of Alpha lipoic acid, SOD, and Coenzyme Q10.

Aiyo: If your skin is ageing and all along you use expensive skincare... Give Bryan lao Shi products a try. Errr.... I no Botox etc, u can see I have wrinkles too.... Age gracefully with a dash of radiant is important:>

Choose your skin care ba: ;

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