Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Physio Oil with Bryan Lao Shi

Knee Pain and back pain takes time to heal. It can be frustrating. And also sometimes cause alot $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. And sometimes a pair of knee is beyond cure, using TCM all these is waste of money, a knee operation will be needed. But is very ok one the new technology.

Now for us who have pain early stage, u dont ignore. Once ignore it will develop to complication. Attention: Quickly apply 3 oil with cream and also ginger oil footbath.

Than check doctor if can.

For those dont have pain or ocassional pain, u must learn from me start doing self-physio. I do every late. I scare knee cap injuries because I not young le. We must build out muscle strength. Also I will do fire cupping and moxibustions.

When we were young, we always see old people here pain there pain and really dont understand. But when we turn 40 or more.... gosh, symptoms starts to surface... WE MUST TAKE ACTION.

3 oil with cream works wonder , giving the muscles and tendons alot of relaxation and healing. And please dont forget your frankincense is a joint repair oil.

Anti Body ache set can last 1 years. Only $120. and useful de.

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