Monday, February 18, 2013

A new Year

Well all, have u start using Bryan's 3 oil method for neck shoulder tension.

Also emergency u can put a drop peppermint direct on palm, warm palm and rub both ears, neck and forehead (not near eyes).

Well this year, a date 24Feb 2013, u do breathing exercise and apply 3 oil on neck and relax for 10mins, open health luck for the year. I have 11 more seats for 23rd FEB class. U wont want to miss it ok:> read more on

Also do a Kim's sandalwood mask

(a teaspoon of kim's sandalwood with abit of lavender water , mix and apply to face leave for 10mins, than wash aways . Also take a table spoon and scrub on ur wet body. Rinse away. And after that apply a layer of rice oil on body and rinse again)

This is call skin and health renewal day:>  Significant, A year HEALTH AND BEAUTY RENEWAL. So skin glow, people like u and luck good.

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