Monday, February 18, 2013

Saturday Class 5 element Qi Gong and Touch therapy

The purpose of this 5 element Qi Gong and Touch Therapy is to impart Singaporeans a skill to help ourselves and help others.

Quick register ba: Left 8 seats;

Unknowingly, My Qi Gong Class is now 13 years le:> A non religious Qi Gong Class and has helped many who have back pain to legs problems.

Touch therapy imparted to past few thousands students some has used them in volunteer work and old folks home. This Saturday is my final class of the year.

Ahaha me not young le and got many work ahead to do.So can only afford to give one class a year from now.

This Saturday, comes with a happy heart and let your hair down. Dont feel too restricted ok;> I will also teach some massage method, so U will need to apply some herbs on neck shoulders.

Sometimes in a class, I dont like student , who this one dont do, that one dont do, than u come my class for what. Last time I scold one ahaha.Now up to u.:>

I will teach whole heartedly same as past 13 years. Bryan's Qi Gong and Touch therapy has touched many organisations and famous for butterfly dance exercise ahahha.

this Saturday:
1) Studio cannot wear shoes
2) Wear comfy attire
3) Will sweat abit

Is still CNY, smile to me:>

After the class u can come for my free Qi Gong by the Garden Once a year.

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