Thursday, March 14, 2013

East Meet West Kwa Sa Class

This is a special class where I will share many healing methods and practical DIY. Class only accept 45 students. So is an exclusive class.

5 more seats:> , 6th April 2013, 930am to 1230pm, CSC club.

Many know my frankincense and rose geranium when mix with rice oil can use massage body and neck also support cancer and tumor problems;

Why Frankincense so powerful?

Frankincense, often known as Olibanum, is an aromatic gum resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia. Frankincense has been used since ancient times in religious rituals. Soldiers were treated with Frankincense. A sixteenth century surgeon, Ambroise Pare, noted that it stopped the blood flowing out of wounds, and helped scar tissue to form quickly. Modern research has recorded its effectiveness in treating skin cancer.

The essential oil: The oil is steam distilled from the gum. It is colourless or pale yellow. It has a balsamic fragrance, subtly lemony and some times with a note of camphor.

When use with rose geranium for facial steaming or mix to massage:

Anticatarrhale, expectorant.
Wound healing
Stimulates the immune system

Respiratory: bronchitis, catarrh and asthmatic, asthma, sinusitis.
Skin: wounds, ulcers, varicose ulcers, dry skin.
Immune system: Immune deficiency.
Nervous: anxiety, tension, depression.

External Use:Energizing: Massage along the spine, joints and muscles. Diffusion for meditation and relaxation.
Massage or inhalation for respiratory illness.
Add a few drops to cream or lotion to perfume and regenerate the skin.

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