Sunday, March 10, 2013

The famous set Healing Oils

Pomelo Lymphatic Massgae Coconut Oil: Scent not many like but when use in lymphatic drainage and also 10 drops in water rinse body is good.

KF Lime: One drop scent like strong strong, pure concentrated for u:> Cleansing the house and also 1 drop in a cup final rinse hair is for hair health. Than rinse away with water again.

Many use for CYST and Tumor Shrink (So far for female cyst feedbacks really good)
Mother Earth Care Set.

Total is : $130; U can blend 10ml rice oil and 3 drops frankincense and 3 drops rose geranium. Than use this blend massage affected area. Rose geranium and frankincense for facial steaming fight wrinkles.

Lately many sms me , the cyst shrink etc because of these set;
It helps the body systems to balance themselves and since the adrenal cortex is stimulated and balanced, the hormonal system of the body is also corrected and aligned. On the lymphatic system it has a greatly stimulating effect and with that helps with detoxifying the body and also affects female health in treating PMS as well as balancing vaginal secretion and heavy periods.
It has a general diuretic effect on the body and balances the water systems in the body, correcting any poor elimination of water and waste material.

Use in bath too is good.

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