Leg Pain, Leg Cramped , Strengthen Leg tea
Leg pain affect lot of people and is a cause of discomfort and leads to medication which are mainly pain killers. I personally do not like pain killers although there are certain condition when these are must but we can avoid pain killer with the help of painkillers. Rheumatic Leg pain can be treated with acupressure quite easily. Prevent and Maintenance wont regret.
Each day I have so many email telling me about leg issues. I share with them
1) Calcium (plant base must eat but no need overeat) ( bone bone bone, u need)
2) Lingzhi normal one (pill form) few times a week. (Tone all organs)
3) Tumeric powder 3 times a week. (natural reduce inflammations)
Disclaimer: disclaimer of the disclaim... read beside. (my friend teach me must put disclaimer if not sometimes introduce eat rice,that person allergy to rice also complaint ahahha)
Drink this tea twice a week. But if got leg problems, drink daily for 5 days.
Twice a week drink this tea is good for legs. Also those suffers leg related problems is good to drink.
U need go HDB medical hall buy ; Branded medical hall won't sell u.
1) 牛膝10 g、(u sometimes tell them $5, they don't know gram, u buy $5 a lot and go home weigh la)
This root herbs famous to move Blood and Qi to leg area.
Strengthen kidney and heal leg pain and knee cant stretch problems. But I feel is good for drinking to prevent. If that evening you drink already, u use some rice bran oil on palm and put lavendula vera, peppermint and marjoram massage both legs. U can see good effects. End with 2 drops frankincense on bottom of feets.
2)田七 5 gram
3) 干木瓜 10 gram (add to 15gram if u have leg cramped problems)
This is such a grandmother recipes but , I think by your generation u will totally forget. End up pay some fake TCM $$$$ for a simple ingredients which pains me to see that is the trend now.
Put all ingredients in 600ml water slow boil for 40mins ba.
Drink twice a day for 2 days.
Best timing to drink : 5pm to 7pm.
Follow by leg massage or acupressure with 3 oil (lavendula, peppermint and marjoram and rice oil more drops so smooth transition of the blend to the legs. Powerful way.
I have upgraded to replace lotion with 15 drops rice oil on palm than put the 3 oil.
I tell u when u drink at this timing, qi starts to move to leg at highest force. Than massage legs at evening with the 3 oil and rice oil. U can see improvements in legs problems.
End with frankincense a drop on base of foot.
New 3 oil for legs method

massage both legs with the blend.
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