Power of Bryan's Rice Bran Oil

Amazing results:
U ever try, rice bran oil and abit sandalwood powder and water scrub body? Is amazing sooth skin later.
many go winter country bring rice bran oil and neroli facial oil has powerful protective effects. And come back Singapore with nice skin.
I suggest when travel, bring neroli facial oil apply face and neck. Rice bran oil body.
A few notes about rice bran oil:
- Rice bran oil (Oryza saliva) is made from the bran of a rice kernel
- Traditionally used in Japan and other Asian countries where rice is the staple food
- Rice Bran Oil is high in fatty acids
- It has anti-aging properties because it’s a natural antioxidant, rich with vitamin E
- Contains squalene, which is thought to help support the collagen within the skin
- It’s an excellent skin enhancer, suitable especially for baby skin and mature, delicate or sensitive skin - It can be used to cleanse and purify the skin or as a hair conditioner
The reason why I like the rice bran oil is its light and non-greasy texture that absorbs quickly into the skin. At the same time it makes your skin soft, moisturized and nourished. It has a light yellow color and a mild natural aroma, almost odorless.
from now, I use 3 oil (lavender , peppermint and marjoram) with rice oil few drops and massage directly to pain area. Instead using cream or lotion. Effect is immediate as the oil can go into joint and nourish.
bran oil, unlike other natural plant oils which you have to have an
intake as supplement to have an effect, have effective results when used
Look and feel younger as rice bran are high in
omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin b, which are natural anti-oxidants.
2. Rice bran has a high smoke point, which means
it does not react easily to the heat of the sun where we experience
abundantly in the tropics.
3.Rice bran being naturally antibacterial in nature.
Further research
Further research
it improves skin’s elasticity, making it appear more youthful and plump,
– it hydrates the skin and helps it to retain moisture, thus, making your skin softer and smoother,
– rice bran oil boosts skin’s natural regeneration process,
– it can help to renew and improve skin’s surface,
– rice bran oil nourishes skin cells with vitamins and antioxidants, slowing down and preventing aging process,
- doesnt clog pores:
For me , i use rice bran oil for body before sleep And I use neroli facial oil for face few times a week.
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