Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Skin get fairer and fairer

Met some doctors and experts. SPF 50 is not of much use:>

SPF 25 or 30 best. And OMHEALTH Sunscreen is more than sunscreen.:>


This sunscreen block UVA which cause collagen lost and UVB which cause blemishes.

So have u apply your sunscreen with super nice collagen and texture:>

MagWhite Serum and Antiage Serum Bottle.

Do u know this serums bottle are special. It has a clear deflective plastic outside that deflect heat and a space inside that absorb heat than the serum is poured in a opaque tube.

So far this is best bottle.

All these I never say, but now say say. So much effort for all details just for u ok:>

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