Sunday, December 8, 2013

Bryan Care for You

Rain and rain le. Time to use foodcure to heal your body.

Aroma Oil to use for tissue inhale is: Lemon 25, lavendula 28 and eucalyptus 25.

Also use 5 drops Bryan Relax Blend 45 in warm water and scrub body with good morning towel.

Aroma Oil business more than 15 years and all are fresh. How can you tell? U use u will know de:>

U wont regret.. Please prepare for your parents, do something for them. The effect of this towel scrub is amazing. It remove damp energy for your body.

Make Red Dates Ginger Tea

To make a bowl/cup of red dates ginger tea :

Use  half of the portion of the ginger shown above, and a handful of 15 red dates. You can choose to remove the skin of the ginger or have it intact ( make sure it’s clean from dirt ).

Cut up the ginger ( or pound it with the back of a knife) and the red dates.

Boil for ~ 30 mins. Then the tea is ready.

combat inflammation, eases the pain of muscle ache, minimize the symptoms of common cold, allergies and other respiratory conditions, relieves nausea, helps the digestive process. relieves menstual cramps, limits flatulence.

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