Hair Growth
Many people ask me, what are the aroma oil that helps in hair growth and must have.
When I was studying in Australia, I use aroma oil like rosemary and lemon rinse hair after wash hair. Because it helps memory. AHahha u know la, ask me study electrical computer engineering I blur ahahah..
Luckily I got my Bachelor of Science IEEE.
For me aromatherapy is a holistic approach to target Hair Problems and also encourage hair growth. If u think very very carefully. A lot of hair care products in market, is actually dilute of aromatherapy oil and repackage for u to buy that's all.
Why not we use pure aroma oil and also has more properties, usages and fresh and also save a lot money because beside hair it helps in health and please really save money
Hair Care Aroma Oil
I) Lemon: Gives golden highlights; treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands
ii) Rose Geranium: Overall hair hormones and hair shine.
iv) Rosemary: Stimulate hair growth and fight dandruff.
iv) Lavendula vera: Normal to oily hair. Scalp treatment for itchiness, dandruff, and even lice! Controls oil production, reduces itchy/flaky scalp
This four are known as ANGEL OF HAIR CARE.
But do you know this oil when combine differently they have power effect on a person mood.
Lets talk about mood first
A) Professor in Aromatherapy once , combine rose geranium and lemon call it PURIFICATION ( u try 2 lemon and 1 rose geranium in cotton, or water rinse body )
B) Bryan Lao Shi call Rose Geranium 2 drops and Rosemary 3 drops mixture : Rectification and Re Calming. It brings a lot of headache situations to calmness.
C) Lavendula and Rosemary: few drops in water , final rinse for hair for memory and fight stress.
In one of the TV, Lai Yi Ling was having dandruff for weeks, so I give her a bottle on pure rosemary (just like that) ask her to final rinse hair 2 drops with cup of water. A week later, she recovered. I thank her for openly telling many people when I went for recording and appreciate her trust de.
In terms of hair care how do I use this few oil.
For me 3 times a week, I anyhow mix not more than four drops in a small pail of water rinse hair and body after shower.
Encourage HAIR SHINE, Fight Hair Loss, Power Dandruff Buster.
In general, we want oils that increase circulation, minimize hair loss and promote growth.
If you want to grow hair faster, clinical essential oils are the way to go. Essential oils penetrate deeply into the skin on your scalp, nourishing the hair follicle and stimulating its growth, at the same time inhibiting hair loss by preventing the hormone that produces DHT which causes hair loss. And that’s only the beginning of what oils can do. They can make your hair shinier and healthier. They can relieve dandruff, eczema, or psoriasis without being dangerous to your scalp and hair, they can soothe an irritated itchy scalp. Soften your hair. Disinfect and stimulate the scalp. All these benefits with no nasty toxins and their side effects are actually good for you.
I always mix few drops rinse hair and body after shower. Sometimes I add few drops to a bottle of shampoo.
Once a week: I do oil treatment :
20ml rice Oil: ( 2 drops each above) Mix well. Than this mixture can last for 2 months. Few times a week, apply hair and massage than rinse off or with shampoo. Sometimes apply le, wrap with warm towel 10mins.
My secret power: I sometimes, one drop lavender and frankincense on palm, rub both palm warm and massage scalp. In a way my white hair seems reduce.

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