Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sleep Issues

Photo: Sleep bottles like lavendual Vera and rose balm shall be beside ur bed; if u wake up half way can't sleep; just apply rose balm chest and than lavendula two drops base of skull and bottom of feet 
At all times i have at least lavendula vera (High Grade lavender,  u use than u know, since 1997 till today still stand strong) And rose balm.

So if u wake up middle of night dont know what to do. U can apply rose balm, chest, neck. Lavendula 2 drops base of skull and chest and foot knee cap.

Even still cant sleep, with eyes close, u body starts to repair. And one day u will sleep.

Below notes for u

Photo: Effective techniques to overcome sleep quality issues; example wake up at four , can't fall to sleep; at all times try to have at least rose balm and lavendula beside bed!

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