Bryan Lao Shi's favorite wantan noodle.
Hi all. Something exciting to share with you today! Most of you will know that I love to do research on anything that will benefit our health, beauty and taste buds. Currently, I am doing a research on eye cream. Before I introduce you the good stuff, I must be the guinea pig first mah. Hahahaahaha......Patience Patience...I will reveal soon once I confirm my findings. For your information I am not selling eye cream but I will tell you which brand. Okie side track now....

This noodle does not contain egg or preservatives, only wheat and flour. Best noodle I ever tried.
Here's a recipe that I whipped up using my favorite BK brand wanton noodle.
Bryan tasty & simple wantan mushroom noodle
(also suitable for our malay friends and vegeterian friends)
Ingredients: 4 mushrooms, slice to pieces. One BK brand wantan noodle.
Method: Boil water. Add in the noodle and the sliced mushrooms. Cook for few minutes. Take out the noodles and mushrooms from boiling water. Rinse the noodle with cold water and put on plate (dry noodle).
Finally, add a tablespoon of soysauce, a teaspoon of olive oil and a few cut chillies to taste.
Have fun trying out this simple recipe. Anyway I don't sell noodle, don't ask me to buy for you hor :D
One more good news for those who did not manage to get a seat for 24th Nov workshop. I will be conducting one more workshop for those who never attended my class on 14th Dec(Beauty and Health with Bryan). Register now before the seats are taken up once again. More details will be out soon.
Hi lao shi, u re right the wantan at old airport market is not as good, but there is one very tasty one in the center row by two lady.
We are so lucky, i heard so much about ur workshop, cool that we can attend now. will register with my husband.
Haha laoshi how come your wanton mee no wanton one?
AHahhaha, the noodle name is call wanton noodle, can go with wanton one anot la. You need wanton, just add a few la.
But i think is a good dish during detox day. Will go super market and buy this brand noodle. Hope my husband will like it , the fo shou guo soup has really create impression for my family.
Bryan lao shi, the flora water is very soothing, love it. Wonder when you will have neroli flora water.
Hi Bryan lao shi, the workshop (Beauty and Health with Bryan) that u r conducting on 16 Dec is for first timer?
Hi everybody, can anyone tell me how should i go from Yishun to Cairnhill CC. Any direct bus or take Mrt is more easy?
hi anonymous 2:22pm
you can take mrt to newton station and walk from there. cairnhill cc is opposite of newton circus car park. guess you going there to attend bryan laoshi class.enjoy your class :)
(Beauty and Health with Bryan) that u r conducting on 16 Dec is for first timer?
where is the place and what time?
Hi bryan lao shi,
Just to confirm when is ur workshop for first timer. 14 Dec or 16 Dec? very confusing...
Hi folks. Million apologies for my mistake. it should be 14th dec for those 1st timer who didn't manage to get a seat for my workshop on 24th Nov & also for those who nvr attended my workshop b4. Really sorry to cause the confusion. I work till blur liao. Didn't realise until u highlighted to me. Really appreciate that.
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