Headaches remedies.
Hi all. Today I have a slight headache. Organising activities, workshops and looking for locations can be rather challenging for me sometimes. I will always strive to look for a suitable location where its somewhere central and accessible by MRT, for the convenience of every participant. However, for the next few workshops, I may have a problem. I hope you don't mind because my future workshops may be held at some other places. I am still searching for a good location that is convenience for most people and Toa Payoh Safra is one of the possible venue on my list. If you have any suggestions or lobang, do leave your comments here.
I will be on radio 97.2FM next wednesday with violet at 2pm. Don't forget to stay tune for more wow wow recipes.Bryan's remedies to remove stress related headaches:
Whenever I have slight headaches due to stress, I will use a drop of Peppermint Avenisis and a drop of Lavendula Vera onto a 20 cents size coin of body lotion and massage my neck & shoulder. When the lotion has fully absorb by the skin. I will put one hand on forehead and one head at on my back and then relaxxx..... That's what I am doing now........
Herbal tea for headaches:
4 slices of Ge Geng, a small handfull of Xia Ku Cao. Ge Geng helps to induce perspiration, clear heat, facilate measles eruption, elevate clear energy and relieve diarrhea. It is also good for relaxing muscles, producing fluids, quenching thirst and brings down blood pressure.
Boil both of the ingredients in 600ml of water for 20 minutes. Drink when cool. (This is my own remedy, consult a chinese physician before you take ok)
lao shi, u are very thoughtful already. If your workshop is good, dont worry about venue, singapore very small only we can travel ok
Just want to comment that your antiage serum and neroli oil is very good. thanks for your introduction.
looking forward for the new class for new comers or first timer on 14 December .
Hope this class is all in english
Many have commented your skin serum. For me i want to share with you the lavendula vera i bought from u in May. It has help me alot in insomnia problem and also skin texture. Thanks alot.
Went to amrita spa yesterday , the normal lavender is already $35 for 10ml, urs is lavendula vera and is only $28 for 12ml. Appreciate ur sincerity and effort.
Is the workshop free?
Hi bryan,
Is Peppermint Avenisis you mentioned similar to the essential oil I bought?
Are all body lotion ok to mix with your oil? Is baby lotion ok?
bryan lao shi peppermint is peppermint avenisis. I used to use baby lotion, but bryan lao shi mention aloe vera revelon, only $2 for big bottle. better than baby lotion.
Bryan lao shi doing a favour this year workshop only$5 . Is the best workshop u will experience.
thanks lao shi
KPO lim
Hi lim,
May I know where can I get the aloe vera revelon from?
Thank you :-)
Hi Bryan, thanks for all the things u have shared. I find the rose geranium with grapefruit pink for facial steaming brings alotof happiness to our family.
Thank you. Our chronic fatigus has improved.
Heng family
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