3 oils method for bodyache
Hi folks. I will be introducing a new age therapy for good health using different types of combs on papers soon. Will update you guys here :)
I guess neckache, bodyache & tension on the upper body is very common in this modern society. Very often, I will recieve emails asking me remedies for this common illness. Actually, I have mentioned the remedies before in my workshops and in my blog. So here's a recap.
- Squeeze body lotion (size of 20 cent coin) onto palm. Add 1 drop of Lavendula Vera, Petitgrain and Peppermint on the lotion and mix well.
- Massage the mixture on upper back. This is a strong & direct method and not to be applied everyday.
If you want something that can be used daily, you can make your own pre-blend.
- Add 5 drops of each oil into 100ml body lotion. The oil must be fresh. I am very particular when it comes to freshness and quality. To ensure freshness & good quality, I only order the oil when they are needed. That is the reason why it takes some time for you to receive your order.
After massage, use a massage stick and press the above points. These few points will help to release giddiness, blur vision & headaches.
3 oils 12ml each: Lavendula Vera, Peppermint Avenisis, Petitgrain full set $72.
Singtrain Academy Special wood immerse in grapeseed oil $10
Laoshi Bryan
Can you help us to buy the stick from Singtrain Academy and we collect from you when we attend your Beauty Talk?
Thank you very much if you can help.
Ms Wong
Hi bryan lao shi the stick i got it from exercis class is really good. i put in my handback and sometimes i am not feeling well i press the point u teach us.
thank you lao shi
you are great
Attended your workshop yesterday, is really outstanding and fun. Most important i learn.
The 3 oil in the class released my neck pain.
thanks so much. I can see ur passion and love in your work
Yet to try the serum.
lily tan
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