Slimming 3
Many urged me to conduct one more session of crystal class this year.Ok I have booked the room. It will be held on 13 Sep 2008 9am to 1pm. Register now. Limited to only 20 seats. for gallery and for topics. It will be a very fun and interesting session.
I was busy with my workshops for the past few consecutive days and I didn't realised my work was being featured in today's Wan Bao again. Thanks Kemmy for scanning the picture. I am really touched to have so many helping hands lately.
Let me introduce a special scrub to all of you today. It can help to cleanse emotion, awaken mind as well as smoothen skin. I strongly enourage all of you to try even if you do not have any aroma oil. Just give it a shot. Try at least once with plain sea salt. You will know what I meant by smooth and comfy. Adding of aroma oil is optional for emotional properties and detoxification purposes.Ingredients: 250 gram fine sea salt, 1 stalk of fresh Rosemary herb, 4 drops Rosemary oil, 2 drops Lavendula Vera, 4 drops Lemon, 2 drops Rose Geranium. Mix into 10ml ricebran oil. Pour this mixture into salt. Store in a nice glass bottle.
In the States, there is a service whereby an aromatherapist will prescribe a bottle salt for people to oversome stress and emotion. There are many recipes in my Beauty black book. This is one I would like to share.
You can blend this for your friends or as a gift. Label it with their name. It will be a very thoughtful and sweet gift :) I call this blend 'Clarity'.
In terms of Yin and Yang, this blend helps to balance our Liver. It is cleansing and will help to reduce anger. Hope you enjoy this findings. I have so many things to share but the space here is too small :(
NB: Fresh aroma oil and items arrived. Rose Otto will arrive in 2 weeks. Don't forget all our new classes. Details updated at Received many requests for a crystal therapy workshop. Okie, let me adjust my schedule first. It should be somewhere in September 08. Those who are interested may start to register now by dropping me an email.
Rosemary is the most useful plant, after lavender, of the Lamiaceae family, which has long been used in medicine and religious rituals. The use of Rosemary can be traced back to thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a scared plant in tombs and was believed to strengthen memory. It was also known to the early Greeks as an “incense bush”, who burnt the plant on their shrines. Today, Rosemary is mainly cultivated for marinating food and beverages. Essential oil of Rosemary is obtained by steam distillation of the silver-green needle shaped leaves or sometimes the flower tips.
Properties: analgesic, Antidepressant, Antirheumatic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Decongestant, Diuretic, Stimulant
someone becomes more and more popular lor
Lao shi i would like to thank you for the advise given to my family. My son was very stressed at his studies and bad tempered. ALot of outbreaks. But for past few months since i introduce your grapefruit pink and lavendula into his handbath. I findthat he is much better now.
The skin clear up, even the doctor was surprise when i told him about your barley and greenbean method. The doctor at AMK say his wife do listen to your programme.
Thanks so much for your help.
Dear Bryan lao shi, i have bought the full set of oil last year during the 7.7.2007 YAMAHA workshop. And i gave myself all sort of excuses and never perform facial steaming till last week.
GREAT, i know what you mean now. Thank you so much.
I have at last kick start my facial steaming. My colleague say my eyes has more "Shen".
Would like to attend your 5 element class.
Bryan Laoshi,
I like your 24 June's blog entry very much. Exactly what I am looking for right now. DIY-ing my own products and using the purest and finest ingredients (without all chemical and commercial properties involved).
I hope one day more people can get to know how and what our nature have given us at its best.
It may sounds crazy but I did wanted to try planting my own rosemary before ...... Hahahahahahaha. Have a good day ahead.
Lao shi, i have a friend who is the friend of Channel news asia CEO. Which his house has a citrine Crystal cave activated and bought from you. Are you what they call Crystal Bryan?
I also heard of the boss of raintree production has your crystal cluster too.
Amazing. Just curious
A very good crystal class and urge those who are new to attend. A great insight with Joy and happiness. Amazing eye opener.
Hi Bryan,
I am waiting for you to conduct the Get Younger with Bryan Part 2 lei. Why you still have not announce the date? Kindly advise.
Thank You
Agreed with Tan. This crystal class really widen my knowledge. Now when i read about any color therapy books i understand so easily the concept.
Thank you so much. I have been applying color crystal therapy to my potted plant. My family love it.
Lao shi can you email us the aura breathing exercise method.
Dear Bryan Lao Shi
Excited to know whether the upcoming crystal class on 13 Sept is similar to the class held on May 10 only or also to that was held on June 21. Just attended the one on June 21. May I know whether it is advisable to those attended the June 21 to attend on Sept 13 ? Please advise. Tks
The fine seasalt in Nature Farm, all sold out and they dun even know when the stock will come again!! Cham lah.. hahaha... anyone knows anywhere else i can get fine sea salt?
Many tks!
Jessie, i got mind from NTUC and is fine sea salt at $3 for 700gram
Loa shi i love to attend ur crystal class. My colleague told me so many things about it.
Ang Gu Kueh
I am writing on behalf for my mom Mdm Wong Su Lan. She has very dull skin and was using salon products many years and one cream cost around $190 and cleanser around $80and serum she was using with rose essence at $240. Everytime i see she complaints her skin has not much improvements and she did not change the product because her friend works there. And her skin is dull as usual.
So during mother;s day i get her $150 set with 3 items. At first she was saying so cheap and looks simple, is it reliable. I convince her to use. And now is more than a month.
the thing with mother, is they listen outsider and when u buy them products they will doubt.
SURPRISE: Her skin is so much clearer and she is now your fans, everyday wants me to translate the blog to chinese. And she is cooking all ur soup recipes.
Laoshi thanks for giving me extra work now.
Just kidding. From here we can see your products is really good but may be the packaging dont look "expensive". But who cares, is the results.
My mom and me will be attending the 15th Aigust part 1. Hope u will say some Mandarin.
I like the line dzi very much, feel very calm n happy when l hold it. I hv bought dzi from other places before but somehow the "feel" is different.
Thank you very much.
Bryan lao shi, i love your line Dzi, is really very "energetic" must be ur 5 element charging method. I learnt pendulum energy check b4. I tested and is really powerful.
thanks, tansie i fully agreed with u.
Hi bryan,
your rose otto is so precious. But I can't go without it because it makes me feel so sensual and good about myself. 2 weeks is like 2 months to me.
hello everyone,
could someone please tell me what is lycium in the weekend soup which bryan lao shi put in his blog. I thank you very much for your help.
Hi anonymous,
The lycium seed in chinese is called guo3 ju2 zi3!
hello ang gu kueh,
tks for letting me know!! :) will run to ntuc later today!!
Thank you anonymous. Thank you for being near and telling me what is lycium seed so I could prepare such nice soup ( recommended by some in the bog ) for my family to enjoy. Have a nice weekend anonymous with your family.
Love the soup receipe. Very tasty. My son keep wanting to cook now.
thankyou lao shi
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